4/25/23 ✨ Sun Sextile Saturn
We are open to wisdom this Tuesday and our relationships are our greatest teachers. The Taurus sun shines its light on Saturn, helping us find determination and maturity. We can understand why certain obstacles have been placed on our path and how to overcome them. But wounding could pop up along the way. Venus makes a supportive connection to Chiron, helping us find healing through relating to others. If you find yourself aggravated by someone else in your life, see them as a mirror to what is unhealed within you. Look to respected elders for advice and support.
11/21/21 ✨ The Sun Enters Sagittarius
We start to feel the energy shift this Sunday as the sun and moon both move into new signs! The moon is void for most of the day, giving us the perfect vibe for a restful end to the weekend. The days ahead bring a burst of Sagittarian influence and help us gain a little more confidence.