4/4/24 ✨ Venus Enters Aries
Today’s energy feels a bit much… The sun meets the North Node in Aries, illuminating our mission in this lifetime. This is a powerful day to ponder our purpose… and leave it at that. Give yourself the space to get clear about what you want, but wait to act until after next week’s solar eclipse. The Aquarius moon squares Jupiter and Uranus, bringing an excess of energy and potential changes to plans or emotional upsets. Staying flexible is key. Late tonight, the moon squares Mercury Retrograde at the same time Venus moves into Aries. We’ll crave connection and affection, but crossed wires could make it feel like we’re unable to get on the same page. How can you give love to yourself rather than expecting it from others?
4/3/24 ✨ Venus Conjunct Neptune
Can you feel the love? Venus joins Neptune in Pisces, amplifying compassion and affection. With Mercury now retrograde, it’s a little too easy to romanticize connections from our past. Rather than focusing on individual relationships, embrace universal love. Spiritual pursuits can bring peace and pleasure under this powerful conjunction. The waning moon moves into Aquarius, reminding us to release other people’s perception and lean into authentic expression. Notice who you surround yourself with over the coming days. The moon meets Pluto early this morning, asking us to purge what no longer serves us, allow transformation, and make space for our next evolution.
3/8/24 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Neptune
It’s a beautiful day to get lost in a fantasy. As Mercury in Pisces crosses over Neptune, we can check out of the this earthly realm and let our imagination take us to magical places. Creativity and magic rule today. With so much Pisces energy in the forecast, we’re sensitive to deception. This isn’t the day to make agreements or rely on mental sharpness. Instead, allow yourself to simply dream and feel. Love and pleasure dominate our emotional experience as when the moon and Venus meet in Aquarius. When the dark moon enters Pisces tonight, the pace slows even more. Find solace in stillness.
3/7/24 ✨ Sun Opposite Lilith
We are blessed with a POWER PACKED Jupiter Day! The Pisces sun sits directly opposite Lilith in Virgo, illuminating our sovereignty and magnetizing us to our power source. The Aquarius moon makes connections throughout the day that boost our energy in a BIG way! But too much of a good thing isn’t always good at all… It’s easy to burn out or overextend our energy. Surges, mood swings, and surprises are all possible. Stay grounded and connected to your own needs before taking care of others.
3/6/24 ✨ Mars Sextile Chiron and North Node
Healing can happen unexpectedly. Mars makes a supportive sextile to Chiron and the North Node in Aries, reminding us to keep moving forward, even if it feels a little painful in the process. We can assert our independence while remaining open to other people’s perspectives now- and in doing so, we could meet our fate. It’s a slow and sleepy start to the morning as the Capricorn moon connects with Neptune. When the waning moon enters Aquarius this evening, further detaching from our emotions and finding stillness in our bodies allows us to make space for new dreams to develop.
2/8/24 ✨ Sun Square Uranus
Change is in the air… Disruptions, surprises, rebellion, and innovation are all possible when the Aquarius sun squares its ruling planet, Uranus today. It’s tempting to create our own chaos in order to feel control, but as the dark moon enters Aquarius, we’re asked to get still. Honing in on our vision of the future allows us to set intentions for the next cycle. Take this time to decide what seeds you want to plant under tomorrow’s new moon.
1/14/24 ✨ Venus Trine North Node
The future looks bright! Venus harmonizes with the North Node, aligning our desires with our destiny. Optimism about our future can help us move forward in relationships or make big travel plans. Spontaneous wishes could be instantly fulfilled! The Pisces moon meets Saturn, bringing up fear and doubt, but our worries are quickly assuaged by supportive connections to Jupiter and Mars this morning. It’s easy to jump into action and trust in the moves we’re making. This afternoon, the moon opposes Lilith, helping us to clearly see the ways our emotions have been repressed. This is an opportunity to reclaim our sovereignty and be intentional about how we process our feelings.
1/13/24 ✨ Mercury Enters Capricorn
A restless mind is par for the course! Mental Mercury spends the day at the last degree of Sagittarius, bringing through big dreams and spontaneous ideas. A supportive connection to the Aquarius moon makes us feel innovative and open to new perspectives too. Together in a supportive sextile, the moon and Mercury enter new signs this evening. Even if you feel like you have a million dollar idea, sleep on it. When Mercury enters Capricorn, we’ll be able to think more practically. But don’t worry… the waxing crescent moon in Pisces will keep us tapped into the magic over the coming days.
1/12/24 ✨ Mars Trine Jupiter
On the heels of the ambitious new moon in Capricorn, we can easily jump into action! Motivating Mars harmonizes with abundant Jupiter today, creating a perfect opportunity to take the first steps toward our biggest goals. We are both grounded and optimistic, making practical moves and trusting the path of least resistance will unfold as we move. With the Waxing Crescent moon in Aquarius, we are emotionally invested in the future. We can tune into the internal experiences that set us apart and use our unique perspectives to march forward to the beat of our own drum! A perfect blend of responsibility and rebellion, now is the time to make the first move!
8/29/23 ✨ Moon in Aquarius
The Aquarius moon keeps the energy weird today. As we approach tomorrow night’s super moon, our quirks and oddities are illuminated. We might find ourselves waking from nostalgic dreams after an overnight opposition to Venus Retrograde. Tense 90º squares to Jupiter and Uranus throughout the day give us an almost overwhelming craving for expansion and innovation- but beware of moving too quickly! We crave thrills and excitement now, but outbursts, accidents, and mood swings are side effects of overextending ourselves. Keep the collective in mind, but above all else, stay true to you.
8/28/23 ✨ Uranus Stations Retrograde
You say you want a revolution? Well you might feel like starting one today! Uranus stations retrograde, inviting us to review how much we’ve already changed and shifted. But we could certainly feel the urge for more innovation when the Waxing Gibbous moon moves into Aquarius and harmonized with Mars. It feels natural to take action today, but watch out for being overly eager! Remember- long-lasting change doesn’t happen overnight.
8/2/23 ✨ Moon Enters Pisces
Full moons have a way of making things go haywire! This is especially true when the Aquarius Super Moon squares Uranus and opposes Lilith this morning. Watch out! The energy is unexpectedly spicy. Breakdowns and changes are in the forecast and it’s tempting to take out our frustrations on others. Remember- we can only control how we respond to discomfort. As the moon faces off against Venus this afternoon, it’s tempting to reach for familiar pleasures as a quick fix to feel good. What we’re really craving is love and affection. The moon dips into Pisces where she begins her release. Allowing ourselves to fully feel all of our feelings can help us begin to let go.