3/19/24 ✨ Welcome to Aries Season
It’s GO time! Welcome to Aries Season. This is a moment of collective rebirth as the sun transitions from the last sign of the zodiac to the first, beginning a new lap around the astrological wheel. The Aries sun ushers in Spring, bringing fresh perspective and new opportunity for growth. As Mercury meets the North Node in Aries today, our mind is focused on the path ahead. New ideas can act as a springboard into our destiny. The moon moves from Cancer to Leo this afternoon, amplifying the transition from water to fire. Give yourself full permission to feel big emotions as they arise, but beware of trying to force change or control transformation. Flowers take their time to bloom and so can you.
3/18/24 ✨ Moon in Cancer
The Cancer moon takes us on an emotional ride this Moon Day! We start the morning feeling responsible and optimistic as the moon connects with Jupiter. But springing out of bed is only half the battle- When the moon makes a mid-morning square to Mercury, it can feel like our body and our mind are on different pages. Where we can find common ground between the two, we can find motivation to forge ahead. Pain points could pop up this afternoon under a tense 90º angle to Chiron, but this discomfort is forcing us to evolve. Notice how you might be abandoning your own needs to take care of others. Remember- self care isn’t selfish. The moon comes into a sextile with Uranus tonight, asking us to lean into change and embrace who we’re becoming in our next version.
3/17/24 ✨ Sun Conjunct Neptune
This SUN Day is a day for dreaming. As the Pisces sun meets Neptune, the boundaries of consciousness dissolve. Creativity and spirituality come naturally, but it’s easy to get lost in the sauce today too. Allow yourself to check out of reality without falling too far down a rabbit hole. The First Quarter Moon in Cancer attunes us to our intuition. Trust gut feelings today. As the moon harmonizes with Venus, allow yourself to be a vessel of love.
2/20/24 ✨ Moon Trine Neptune
The tides of our emotions rise as the Cancer moon grows. We could wake up feeling moody, irritated, or full-blown triggered when the moon squares Chiron early this morning. Whatever is irritating us now is forcing us to acknowledge what we need to release under the full moon in order to become who we’re meant to be. A supportive sextile to Uranus brings a shift in mood as our day progresses. A change of scenery could do wonders for our emotional state. Pay attention to dreams and pings of inspiration late tonight when the moon harmonizes with Neptune!
2/19/24 ✨ Moon in Cancer
We’re invited to embrace the energy of the moon this Moon Day and listen to the wisdom of our bodies. As the Cancer Moon makes a harmonious trine to Saturn, we can embody the maturity of a nurturing mother. We’re able to responsible assess the needs of the people around us now. A following sextile to Jupiter asks us to be generous and have faith that what we give to others will come back to us ten fold.
2/18/24 ✨ Floating into Pisces Season
Get ready to get emotional… The moon and sun enter water signs within an hour of each other, amplifying our sensitivity. With the sun drifting into Pisces, we can allow our imagination to flourish and our creativity to flow. But in the hours leading up to Pisces Season, we could feel overly stimulated or frazzled. The moon comes home to Cancer tonight, asking us to sink into our bodies and let our emotions be our guide. Our capacity to create is only as big as our ability to feel.
1/24/24 ✨ Cancer Moon Trine Neptune
We can feel the changes happening within us, even if we can’t fully make sense of them just yet. The moon connects with Uranus, inviting us to lean into change. At the same time, a pivotal T-Square to the North and South Nodes marks a fated moment. Our emotions are our compass, showing us what we need to let go of in order to step into our purpose. A midday harmony between the moon and Neptune opens us to intuitive guidance. Trust in the body’s ability to know how to move emotions.
1/23/24 ✨ Venus Enters Capricorn
What are you invested in? Venus enters Capricorn, asking is to assess what we really want in the long-term. In the coming weeks, we can ask ourselves if how we’re spending our time and money can really stand the test of time. The energy surrounding this planetary shift could leave us feeling at odds. Mercury connects with Lilith- watch your words! They could pack a punch. Meanwhile, the Cancer moon keeps us tapped into our body and attuned to our emotions. But tense connections to Mercury, Mars, and Chiron make us feel reactive or argumentative. If interactions feel cold, detached, or even hostile, come back to the warmth of your heart.
1/22/24 ✨ Moon Enters Cancer
We have a slow start to this Moon Day as we wake up under a sleepy square between the moon and Neptune. Hitting snooze is awfully tempting. But by the afternoon, we’ll be feeling frisky and spontaneous as the moon faces off with Venus at the 29th degree. We crave stimulation and pleasure, but our restlessness can make settle for a quick thrill over lasting fulfillment. The Waxing Gibbous Moon comes home to Cancer this afternoon, allowing us to drop from our head to our heart. We can tune back into the wisdom of our body and trust our intuition to lead the way over the coming days.
9/10/23 ✨ Moon Enters Leo
We must embrace all parts of ourselves in order to truly evolve. We start the morning under an opposition between the moon and Pluto, pulling us between our comfort zone and our desire to transform. When the dark moon enters Leo, we are invited to slow down and tune into our internal experience. In a place of stillness, we can hold space for our inner child and hear their needs more clearly. Giving ourselves what we needed from caregivers early in life is not only incredibly healing, but it can give us the confidence to step into a new chapter with intention and confidence!
9/9/23 ✨ Moon in Cancer
Growth is on the edge of our comfort zone. The moon in Cancer can make us want to pull the covers over our head and hide out at home all day. But there’s huge potential for innovation as the moon connects with Jupiter and Uranus today. Simply setting an intention can help us show up with more confidence under a supportive sextile between the moon and sun. But a square to Chiron mid-day could bring past triggers into the present moment. Remember- change isn’t always a clean process.
9/8/23 ✨ Sun Trine Jupiter
Good luck is on our side! The sun makes its bi-annual harmony to abundant Jupiter, opening us to expansion and growth. There’s plenty of possibility and positivity to work with today! With the sun in Virgo, fortune favors those with pure intentions today. The Cancer moon keeps us connected to our gut instincts. A trine to Saturn gives us natural authority and responsibility, but we’re prone to being impulsive this afternoon when the moon clashes with Mars! It’s easy to get caught up in the optimism of the day. Remember, there’s no rush. We can trust that what’s meant for us will find us.