1/25/24 ✨ Full Moon in Leo
Full Moon in Leo asks us to tune into our hearts and honor our passion. Our emotions can feel bold and dramatic under this lunation, but if we hold space for them like we would for a small child, we can allow ourselves to be fully and authentically released. How we express ourselves will define our experience of this full moon. Under a T-square to Jupiter, we have two choices: We can let our feelings steal the show or we can step up and share our unique perspective with the people around us. A tense square between Mars and Chiron makes it easy for our triggers to get the best of us. If we can look beyond our ego, we can see the greater purpose we’re meant to embody. When we proudly step into the light, we can have a profound impact.
4/27/23 ✨ Mars Square Chiron
Are you acting from your wounding or your healing? A tense square between Mars and Chiron could open old wounds or trigger new ones. We’re more reactive if we feel hurt or threatened in any way. The First Quarter Moon in Leo adds some drama to the forecast, inviting us to move forward. As the moon squares the North and South Nodes, we face an emotional turning point- forced to release our past in order to align with our future. Late tonight, a conjunction between the moon and Lilith makes for a spicy end to the day. There’s a strong need to express what has been repressed- but it’s all too easy to be hostile or bitchy when sharing how we feel. A need to be in control could create hostility. Stay sovereign and remember- you can only truly control yourself.
2/6/22 ✨ Mars Square Chiron
Power struggles are definitely possible today. The passionate Aries moon forms back-to-back squares with Mercury and Pluto, making us more reactive, obsessive, and competitive. Slow down and align with you long-term goals before taking any action.