1/14/24 ✨ Venus Trine North Node
The future looks bright! Venus harmonizes with the North Node, aligning our desires with our destiny. Optimism about our future can help us move forward in relationships or make big travel plans. Spontaneous wishes could be instantly fulfilled! The Pisces moon meets Saturn, bringing up fear and doubt, but our worries are quickly assuaged by supportive connections to Jupiter and Mars this morning. It’s easy to jump into action and trust in the moves we’re making. This afternoon, the moon opposes Lilith, helping us to clearly see the ways our emotions have been repressed. This is an opportunity to reclaim our sovereignty and be intentional about how we process our feelings.
1/13/24 ✨ Mercury Enters Capricorn
A restless mind is par for the course! Mental Mercury spends the day at the last degree of Sagittarius, bringing through big dreams and spontaneous ideas. A supportive connection to the Aquarius moon makes us feel innovative and open to new perspectives too. Together in a supportive sextile, the moon and Mercury enter new signs this evening. Even if you feel like you have a million dollar idea, sleep on it. When Mercury enters Capricorn, we’ll be able to think more practically. But don’t worry… the waxing crescent moon in Pisces will keep us tapped into the magic over the coming days.
2/9/22 ✨ Moon Enters Gemini
We have a pretty quiet day in the Milky Way! The moon moves into Gemini in the early morning hours of this Mercury day, putting the focus on learning and communicating. It doesn’t make any connections until late Wednesday night, when it squares Jupiter crave knowledge or expansion.
2/8/22 ✨ Mars Trine Uranus
Today’s transits support making bold moves and leaning into transformation as Mars and Uranus connect in a harmonious angle. The Taurus moon meets the North Node and a flows with Pluto, empowering us to embody the lessons we are here to learn and rise into a new version of ourselves.
1/27/22 ✨ Mercury Rx Trine N. Node
When Mercury retrograde harmonizes with the North Node today, we can easily pull the lessons we’ve been learning during retrograde season. The Sagittarius moon keeps the energy fun and optimistic while helping us gain a higher understanding.
1/26/22 ✨ Venus Rx Trine Uranus
We start to feel the effects of an almost-trine between Venus and Uranus. Expect an awareness of the subtle changes happening within your relationships, finances, and what you consider beautiful. The Scorpio moon makes beautiful connections, helping us release and transform.
1/25/22 ✨ Mercury Rx Moves Back into Capricorn
When Mercury (retrograde) moves back into Capricorn, expect more serious and practical expression, even during eccentric Aquarius season. The last quarter moon in Scorpio allows us to release energetic attachments.