2/4/24 ✨ Mercury Enters Aquarius
Try not to speak or react too quickly this Sunday. Messenger Mercury spends most of the day at the 29th degree of Capricorn, making our mind feel restless. Sharing our ideas before they’re fully formed doesn’t always benefit us- Wait until Mercury enters Aquarius late tonight. Meanwhile, the Sagittarius moon makes tense connections to Saturn and Lilith throughout the day. Remember, not all fears are truth. If you find yourself spiraling or needing to defend yourself, take a step back and consider your goals and the wisdom you’re gaining from the pursuit of them.
2/11/23 ✨ Mercury Enters Aquarius
New perspectives can be found deep within. Mercury moves into Aquarius this weekend, inviting us to open our minds and see things in a new light. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be drawn to new information and technology and more willing to communicate in group settings. Mars and Chiron connect today as well, generating forward movement in our healing journey. Allow curiosity to guide you.
3/4/22 ✨ Moon Conjunct Chiron
We have a fairly quiet Friday in the forecast, but we’re still feeling the effects of Thursday’s triple conjunction as Venus and Mars pull away from Pluto. As we’re processing anything that was unearthed during that intense conjunction, old wounds could be provoked when the Aries moon meets up with Wounded Healer, Chiron.
3/3/22 ✨ Venus + Mars Conjunct Pluto
With the planets of love (Venus and Mars) coming into a conjunction with Pluto, our desires will feel extremely intense. Power struggles are certainly possible if we don’t feel like our needs are being met. Pay attention to any vivid dreams you had last night as the new moon met up with Neptune- they could hold clues to any emotions you’ve been repressing.
3/2/22 ✨ New Moon in Pisces, Mercury Conjunct Saturn
The new moon in Pisces is supercharged by a conjunction to abundant Jupiter, making this moment extra magical. Mercury and Saturn are meeting up at the same time, asking us to think critically and use our rational mind. The moon gets support from Uranus as it becomes new, putting us in an energy of excitement and opening us to possibilities.
3/1/22 ✨ Sun Sextile Uranus, Venus + Mars Trine N. Node
As Venus and Mars continue skipping hand-in-hand through Capricorn, the planets of love form a flowing angle to the N. Node. The moon doesn’t make any connections all day, allowing us to truly listen to any flashes of insight or innovative downloads that come through when the Pisces sun and Uranus lock into a 60º angle on Tuesday night.
2/28/22 ✨ Moon Conjunct Mercury + Saturn
With the moon in Aquarius, it will be difficult to ignore the pain and sadness so many are feeling. The moon meets up with Mercury, allowing us to express our perspective about causes we care about. But a conjunction between the moon and Saturn ends the day on a serious, or somber note.
2/27/22 ✨ Moon Conjunct Venus, Mars + Pluto
The moon’s last connections in Capricorn create an energy of intensity. Overnight, passions are high as the moon, Mars, and Venus all meet up in the night sky. Can you say sex appeal?!? As the sun comes up on Sunday morning, fear and limiting beliefs could also creep in. When the moon and Pluto merge, shadows could be revealed.
2/26/22 ✨ Moon Sextile Jupiter + Neptune
We have an abundance of support as the moon transits through Capricorn and makes fortunate connections to Uranus, Jupiter, and Neptune. Although the moon is in detriment in Capricorn (making us more emotionally detached,) we’re able to see the bigger picture and lean into optimism and excitement throughout the day.
2/25/22 ✨ Moon Enters Capricorn
As the moon enters Capricorn, it makes us more aware of time. The waning crescent moon asks us to go within and process any emotions that came up over the past two weeks- and we can do so from a place of practicality and patience. Just beware of worrying or focusing on the negative- a byproduct of the Capricorn energy.
2/24/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Neptune + Mercury Square Uranus
It’ll be easy to feel the love this Thursday as Venus and Neptune lock into a supportive angle. The Sagittarius moon makes us feel more generous and optimistic, but confusion or mishaps are definitely possible today. Messenger Mercury squares off to rebellious Uranus, giving us the urge to make waves or force change.
2/23/22 ✨ Mars Sextile Neptune
Mars supports Neptune with Venus following closely behind, bringing romantic vibes and sexual synergy. 🔥 Messenger Mercury and healer Chiron also lock into a sextile with additional support from the moon, allowing for healing conversations and breakthroughs.