10/10/22 ✨ Mercury Enters Libra
We’re working with lingering energy from last night’s full moon today. Venus opposes Chiron on Monday morning, reminding us that love is the answer. Any wounding or triggers that came up during this full moon can make us feel needy today. Remember- you already have all the love you are seeking. Mercury moves into Libra this afternoon, softening our communication. Collaborative conversations can help us gain clarity over the coming weeks. It’s easier to express our love to others as well.
8/25/22 ✨ Mercury Enters Libra
Thursday marks a turning point in relationships as Venus locks into a T-square with the points of destiny. With the planet of love, money, and beauty sitting directly between the North and South Nodes, we become aware of what we need to release from the past to further embody our purpose. The moon meets up with Venus this afternoon, enhancing this energy and bringing an emotional awareness to this shift. Tonight, messenger Mercury enters the diplomatic sign of Libra. Our communication feels more balanced and eloquent, but we’re also more prone to debate over the coming weeks as we weigh different perspectives and bounce our thoughts off of others.