Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

10/2/22 ✨ Mercury Retrograde Ends

Mercury Retrograde ends today- and not a moment too soon!! But don’t expect crystal clarity just yet. As the planet of communication stations direct, it opposes Neptune, clouding our perception. Misunderstandings are still possible- especially with Mercury still in its shadow period. Allow the pace to pick up slowly. The first quarter moon in Capricorn sets a steady pace to move forward.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/21/22 ✨ Mercury Opposite Neptune

Confusion or creativity? You get to choose today. Mercury opposes Neptune, clouding our understanding. This isn’t the time to fine tune details or search for clarity, but rather, play into the fogginess by tapping into your artistic expression. Allow your subconscious mind to take over through dance, painting, singing, or even just being silly. The moon forms a T-square to this potent opposition, making our emotions the focal point.

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