Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/25/24 ✨ Mercury Stations Direct

Press the reset button. Mercury stations direct in Aries, giving us an opportunity to reflect on all the wisdom we’ve gained over the past few weeks and begin again with renewed perspective. And we’ll have plenty of motivation to back up our mindset this morning as the Scorpio moon harmonized with Mars. It’s go time! But don’t be surprised if you hit a wall (or completely crash) this afternoon when the moon connects with Neptune. Going too hard this morning could lead to burnout and mental fog this evening. The Waning Gibbous moon enters Sagittarius this evening, renewing our sense of optimism and reminding us to let our hair down and have fun. There’s value in allowing ourselves to feel both the lows and highs of life.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/1/24 ✨ Mercury Stations Retrograde

Hit the brakes! Mercury stations Retrograde in Aries, forcing us to slow wayyyy down. A tendency to communicate quickly could lead to crossed wires. Tech glitches are possible too. The best way to avoid feeling frazzled is to be especially intentional with our thoughts and words. What’s the hurry anyway? The Capricorn moon helps us embrace a slower pace. Release the need to achieve and appreciate how far you’ve already come. Seeing our situation through the lens of logic can help us gain a more mature perspective and let go of outdated expectations. An emotional turning point is possible late tonight.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

9/15/23 ✨ Mercury Retrograde Ends!

Change is in the air this Venus Day! Mercury stations direct, ending its 2-week retrograde. This is an opportunity to gather the insights from our review and use them to inform our next steps. The sun and Uranus come into a harmonious trine as well, opening us to innovation and excitement! The New Moon in Virgo makes her final connections this morning to Neptune and Pluto. If uncomfortable emotions surface, allow them to fuel your transformation. When the waxing moon glides into lovely Libra, we can come back to center and move forward from a place of balance.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/23/23 ✨ Virgo Season Begins!

Welcome to Virgo Season! The late-summer sun moves into the sign of the virgin, ushering us into a season of intention and productivity. But just hours later, Mercury begins a three-week retrograde, scrambling our mental state and crossing wires. Tech glitches and communication breakdowns are to be expected. The Scorpio moon makes us crave control- beware of trying to manipulate others to avoid your own discomfort. Remaining rooted in our own bodies can help us navigate any unexpected twists and turns. In this season of high standards and morals, stay devoted to your highest self. But remember- perfection is an illusion.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/14/23 ✨ Mercury Retrograde ENDS!

Mercury Retrograde ends tonight! As the planet of communication comes to a standstill today, we are asked to take a pause and reflect on what has surfaced over the past three weeks. But don’t expect crystal clarity anytime soon- although Mercury resumes forward motion, we still experience it’s shadow period for another week and a half. Insights will likely come through slowly. Meanwhile, the waning Pisces moon keeps us in a dreamy haze.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/21/23 ✨ Mercury Stations Retrograde

The most notorious astrology transit is baaaack…. We wake up under a Mercury Retrograde, keeping the pace slow this Friday. Over the coming weeks, we are invited to review our values and ideas. We could even bump into people from our past too. We’re entering a period of reflection and revision, but crossed wires, communication mishaps, and travel issues are a possibility along the way. Take it slow. Just hours after Mercury begins its backspin, the Taurus moon meets up with Uranus, emphasizing the energetic shift. This sets the stage for surprises, changes, and upsets today. We can find a soft place to land tonight as the moon connects with Neptune. Full permission to cozy up and chill out after a wild week.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/18/23 ✨ Mercury Stations Direct

Powerful realizations and transformations are possible today- and not just because Mercury Retrograde ends! As the planet of communication stations direct, we have a moment to pause and reflect on the lessons we’ve learned and the review we’ve undergone over the past few weeks. But at nearly the same time, the Capricorn sun meets up with Pluto, illuminating what is being alchemized and empowering us to transform. What old patterns and ways of thinking are dying in order for you to be reborn? The waning moon in Sagittarius asks us to trust in this surrender and have faith in an outcome better than we can imagine.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/29/22 ✨ Mercury Stations Retrograde Conjunct Venus

2022 ends with a cosmic rewind thanks to Mercury Retrograde. This is the perfect opportunity to look back at our year and notice patterns. What lessons did you learn? What habits did you form? Relationships and finances are the focus of this review today as Mercury and Venus meet up in Capricorn. We can express our love more easily and find beauty in the breakdown- but resist the urge to text your ex! It’s easy to be impulsive as the First Quarter moon moves into Aries.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

10/2/22 ✨ Mercury Retrograde Ends

Mercury Retrograde ends today- and not a moment too soon!! But don’t expect crystal clarity just yet. As the planet of communication stations direct, it opposes Neptune, clouding our perception. Misunderstandings are still possible- especially with Mercury still in its shadow period. Allow the pace to pick up slowly. The first quarter moon in Capricorn sets a steady pace to move forward.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

9/23/22 ✨ Mercury Moves Back into Virgo

Mercury Retrograde moves back into the most meticulous sign of the zodiac, making us especially critical. Being matter-of-fact could come across as harsh the next few weeks, even if we’re just trying to get our point across clearly. We might also revisit conversations we had or plans we made between August 3 + August 25. Slow down and be especially mindful with how you’re communicating.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

9/22/22 ✨ Libra Season + Mercury Cazimi

Welcome to Libra Season and Happy Fall, y’all! We start this new season with a bang as Mercury passes through the heart of the sun. But this phenomenon- known as Mercury Cazimi- is happening on the World Point. With this conjunction at 0º Libra, global negotiations are possible and new perspectives can be gained. We’ll be feeling the shifting of the seasons as the waning Leo moon forms a T-Square to Saturn and Uranus. Allowing ourself to find some wiggle room to play in the midst of fear and doubt can lead to breakthroughs.

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