2/29/24 ✨ Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Big plans and potent ideas can come through on this magical LEAP Day! As Mercury in Pisces gets support from Jupiter, we’re prone to making grand plans before thinking through the details. Silver linings could cloud our judgment. Let this be a day for brainstorming- keep a notebook close by or a trusted friend on speed dial- but don’t make anything concrete just yet. The Scorpio moon makes back-to-back connections throughout the evening, giving us plenty of energy to connect with others and share our ideas. But a square to Mars could make us feel irritable tonight. Notice where you feel frustrated- this is an invitation to reclaim your power and focus on what you can control.
7/01/23 ✨ Sun & Mercury Sextile Jupiter
July starts with a fresh spark! As the Sun and Mercury meet in Cancer, both planets form a supportive aspect to abundant Jupiter. This transit brings a positive outlook and fortunate ideas. Don’t be surprised if you hop out of bed with a pep in your step! The Sagittarius moon boosts the optimistic vibes, allowing us to see silver linings.
2/17/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Expand your mind. As Mercury connects with Jupiter, grand ideas and expansive conversations are possible. By zooming out to see the bigger picture, we can gain new perspective. The waning Capricorn moon helps us reflect on the cycle behind us. Connections to Neptune and Venus soften the serious energy, asking us to lean into love and compassion. Spreading positive energy will only bring it back to us.
6/20/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Big ideas are possible this Monday as Mercury and Jupiter lock into a supportive angle! This could be a great day to book a vacation or even take a trip! We’re more hopeful about future plans and more curious in general. The Pisces moon makes sweet connections throughout the day, aligning us with our sensitivity and compassion.
5/19/22 ✨ Sun Trine Pluto + Mercury Rx Sextile Jupiter
We can start to see our post-eclipse transformation more clearly now. The Taurus sun forms an earthy trine to Pluto, shining light on transformation. This is a moment of realizing our own power- a moment of rebirth. Mercury backs into a supportive aspect with Jupiter, expanding reflections and realizations.
4/26/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Tuesday brings good vibes and an optimistic outlook! Mercury and Jupiter support one another, asking us to think happy thoughts and see silver linings. There’s great potential for grand visions of the future today! Allow yourself to get carried away in all the dreamy possibilities, but wait to act on them until the moon moves out of Pisces- our capacity for discernment is compromised now.