6/21/23 ✨ Summer Solstice & Cancer Season
As we bask in the sun of the Summer Solstice, we also welcome Cancer Season! Cultures around the world have celebrated this pivotal day in our annual cycle for thousands of years, honoring the life force energy and abundance the sun provides. Cancer Season asks us to allow the warmth of summer into our homes and our bodies. The next month brings an opportunity to nurture ourselves and create a safe space for others to do the same.
3/23/23 ✨ Pluto Enters Aquarius
A new era begins as Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time since 1777. Over the coming decades, we can expect a complete transformation of technology, community, and humanity as a whole. The planet of death and rebirth will sit at the critical 0 degree of Aquarius until it moves back into Capricorn in June of this year though. This means we’re eager for innovation, but we’re just at the beginning of this alchemical process. The breakdown we see over the coming months will set the stage for years to come. But have no fear… we’re all in this together!
8/12/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Lilith
This Venus Day brings an opportunity to process all of the intense emotions that surfaced. As the moon begins its release, we could feel the need to express the things that have been weighing us down. As Mercury in Virgo connects with Lilith in Cancer, we can reclaim our power through speaking our truth and witnessing our own thoughts. But watch how you communicate.
4/10/22 ✨ Mercury Enters Taurus
Messenger Mercury makes a dramatic exit from Aries, forming a harsh 90º angle to Pluto, then a supportive angle to Lilith. If there was ever a time to watch your words, this is it. But when Mercury enters the grounded sign of Taurus for the next three weeks, we can expect a slower pace.