3/4/24 ✨ Mercury Sextile Uranus
This Moon Day brings an opportunity to process. What are you releasing and how is it making space for more opportunity in your life? As Mercury connects with Uranus, we’re open to innovative ideas and exciting information. From this place of possibility, it becomes easier to let go of anything holding us back from the freedom we need to evolve. The moon enters Capricorn this afternoon, asking us to view our feelings through a logical lens. As we disconnect from our raw emotions, we can be more practical and responsible. The coming days can help us realize why we’re letting go and what will truly support our long-term goals moving forward. This is a powerful time to seek guidance from elders or people we respect too.
7/06/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile Uranus
Keep an open mind today. Mercury connects with Uranus, bringing through intuitive insights, new ideas, and aha moments. Exciting or interesting conversations can happen too! The Aquarius moon starts the day opposing Mars, sparking a fire to get us moving! But irritation is a possible side-effect. When the waning moon enters Pisces, she invites us to let go and let it flow! Emotional flood gates open to help us cleanse the past and create space for the magic to come. If doubts or worries pop up when the moon meets Saturn tonight, lean into trust.
7/13/22 ✨ Super Moon in Capricorn
The Super Moon in Capricorn marks a powerful moment… and not just because this full moon appears so large in the night sky. We start the day with an opposition between the full moon and Mercury and a simultaneous trine to Uranus. If we’re willing to lean outside of our comfort zone, breakthroughs are possible. The pinnacle moment of this powerful lunation is a conjunction to Pluto late tonight, marking a moment of transformation. Celebrate your achievements as one chapter closes for another to begin.
3/17/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Uranus
The energy builds as the moon becomes full late tonight. Meanwhile, Mercury and Uranus come into a supportive angle, allowing inspired ideas or psychic downloads to come through… but only if we slow down enough and open our senses. Spiritual practices could help you gain some clarity on what you need to release to enter Spring with fresh energy.