7/09/23 ✨ Mercury Trine Neptune
Releasing and creating are part of the same process. The Last Quarter Moon in Aries invites us to find catharsis through movement. Getting our blood pumping can cleanse us of what no longer serves who we are here to become. But this afternoon, Messenger Mercury harmonizes with Neptune, magnifying our imagination. Our intuition can inform creative ideas. It’s easy to empathize with others we’re communicating with too. Late tonight, the moon meets Chiron, triggering past pain. Feeling is healing. Let it out to let it go. Make space.
11/12/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Neptune
Today is the day to let your mind wander as Mercury harmonizes with Neptune, amplifying our creativity and helping us blur the boundaries of our imagination. Compassionate communication is easier to come by and we express ourselves more gently under this aspect. With Mercury in secretive Scorpio though, make sure not to get carried away in a fantasy… deception is possible too. The waning moon in Cancer makes us crave security and comfort.
7/17/22 ✨ Venus Enters Cancer
The intuitive insights keep pouring in this Sunday as Mercury and the sun harmonize with Neptune in Pisces. These watery trines heighten our psychic sensitivities. This evening, Venus enters Cancer. But fair warning— Venus spends most of Sunday at the anaretic degree (29º) before she crosses the Cancer threshold. It will be tempting to reach for guilty pleasures or quick flings throughout the day.