3/26/24 ✨ Libra Moon Opposite Mercury
Still making sense of what came up during the Libra Lunar Eclipse? Tuesday’s energy brings a reminder: You can’t rush your healing. As the full moon opposes Chiron this morning, we can see our wounding clearly. We have a choice. We can face our pain head-on or we can run in the other direction. But we must feel in order to heal. Tonight, the moon opposes Mercury in Aries. This transit brings a need to understand our emotions, but revelations take time. Be receptive to realizations and insights, but try not to force them. Some feelings aren’t meant to be rationalized.
2/27/24 ✨ Mars Square Jupiter
Aaaand ACTION! There’s no shortage of motivation and energy to work with early this morning under a square between Mars and Jupiter. Just try not to move too fast or give into impulses that you may later regret. The Libra Moon harmonizes with Mars and Venus, allowing us to align with our desires and easily find pleasure today. It feels natural to relate to others and share the love. When the moon meets the South Node this evening, we must acknowledge what we need ready to release in order to heal.
1/31/24 ✨ Libra Moon Square Mars
The peaceful energy of the Libra moon is challenged by uncomfortable transits today. We start the morning under an opposition to Wounded Healer, Chiron; forcing us to face painful emotions. Old stories and relationship dynamics can surface. This evening, a square to Mars can make us irritated and reactive. Avoid the impulse to act on triggers. Instead, take a breath, find center, and become the observer of your emotions. This is how we heal. Whatever is coming up today is asking to be released so we can move in the direction of our highest self.
8/20/23 ✨ Sun Trine North Node
We can get clearer on who we’re becoming today. The confident Leo sun harmonizes with the North Node in Aries, allowing us to naturally align with our purpose. The future will unfold without forcing it. The Libra moon helps us resolve our past today too- especially our relationships. You might find yourself reflecting on previous lovers when the moon connects with Venus Retrograde this afternoon. Hindsight is 20/20- It’s easier to see multiple perspectives when we look back in time. But old hurt could come up too when the moon opposes Chiron. The pain we’re remembering tonight is asking to be healed so we can more fully step into our next evolution.
7/24/23 ✨ Moon in Libra
The Libra moon invites beauty and ease this Moon Day. As we approach the First Quarter Moon, we are invited to find our BALANCE before we take our next steps. But triggers could knock us off center this afternoon as the moon opposes Chiron. We can clearly see our wounding now. Our mind can support our emotional process under a supportive aspect between the moon and Mercury tonight. Talking or writing about our next steps can help us get clearer on what action we want to take under tomorrow’s First Quarter Moon.
6/27/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile North Node
Our destiny becomes more clear as our deepest desires are realized. A supportive connection between Mercury and the North Node at 0º opens our mind to the possibility of the future. Meanwhile, the First Quarter Moon invites us to take gentle steps forward. The moon connects with an impending conjunction between Venus and Lilith, asking us to pay attention to any suppressed, subconscious needs. An opposition to Chiron asks us to face our pain in order to heal. An afternoon sextile to Mars sparks motivation to keep moving forward. Even small steps can have dramatic results!
5/3/23 ✨ Sun Square Lilith
Our primal urges could take over today. The Taurus sun squares Lilith in Leo, provoking the wild one within. Expression that’s been repressed could find its way out in a rather dramatic way! The moon in Libra brings the focus to our relationships, making it natural to try to keep the peace. Passive-aggressive tendencies could turn into full-blown arguments. If you’re feeling moody or anxious, move your body to release tension.
4/5/23 ✨ Libra Full Moon
Tonight’s full moon in Libra illuminates our healing journey. With the moon in the sign of relationships and the sun moving through self-centered Aries, we’re aware of the balance between our own needs and others’. The moon squares Mars this morning- triggers are possible throughout the day. Then, the sun meets Wounded Healer Chiron during the full moon’s peak tonight, highlighting our deepest wounds and giving us insight about how to tend to them. Remember- hurting and healing can coexist. Sharing how we feel with the people closest to us can be empowering and cathartic.
3/9/23 ✨ Libra Moon
It could be difficult to remain emotionally balanced today, even under the harmonious Libra moon. As the moon faces off against and incoming conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron, we can clearly see our biggest wounds- especially surrounding our relationships and our appearance. Notice how your emotions are mirrored in others, but beware of projecting! Late tonight, the moon comes into another opposition, but this time, with lover Venus.
2/10/23 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Pluto
Transformation is often a slow process. This is the reminder the cosmos are sending us as messenger Mercury meets up with Pluto. As our closest and farthest planets (also the fastest & slowest) come into alignment, it could feel like time is at a standstill. In this pause, powerful realizations are possible- but fair warning- obsession is a possible side effect. Watch out for dark thoughts and manipulative tendencies.
1/13/23 ✨ Sun Sextile Neptune
This Friday the 13th is an invitation to soften and flow as the serious Capricorn sun makes a supportive connection to dreamy Neptune. We can lean into compassion and sensitivity today. Mercury retrograde comes into an extended trine to the North Node, illuminating the mental patterns that are keeping us in our comfort zone. By slowing down to understand where we’re coming from, we can gain insights about where we’re headed. The last quarter moon in Libra asks us to release in order to come back to equilibrium.
12/17/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Uranus
Ch ch ch ch changes! Mercury and Uranus harmonize this Saturday, opening us to changes of plan and changes of mind. We can experience flashes of insight and new ideas during this transit. Surprising information and stimulating conversations are also on the agenda. The waning moon in Libra puts the focus on our relationships with others.