Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/9/24 ✨ Mercury Enters Aries

Change is in the air today. The Sun and Mars connect with Uranus at nearly the same time, illuminating the shifts happening in our lives and shaking up what is no longer meant for us. There’s an energy of agitation and restlessness- Mercury is sitting at the last degree of Pisces for most of the day too. Moving too quickly could result in accidents or regrets. When Mercury moves into Aries tonight, our thoughts and words get a little louder. Meanwhile, our emotions take us on ride today. A meeting of the moon and Saturn makes us feel tired or jaded this morning. But we get a dose of positivity from Jupiter this afternoon. As we approach the New Moon, we are asked to be still, observe our true feelings, and create space for new possibilities.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/11/24 ✨ Moon in Pisces

It’s a day for dreaming as the Waxing Crescent moon floats through Pisces. Supportive connections to Uranus and Venus ask us to step outside our comfort zone and bring our desires into reality. Energy flows where attention goes- what we focus on can manifest if we trust the Universe is supporting us. And it will feel easy to believe in magic when the moon joins Neptune in Pisces late tonight. Expect vivid dreams too!

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/30/23 ✨ Pisces Super Full Moon

The biggest and brightest full moon of the year illuminates Pisces, opening us to magic. Our sensitivity is at an all-time high under this full moon- both emotionally and intuitively. Psychic downloads can come through and visits from spiritual guides are possible. The flood gates fly open for a cathartic release under this lunation. This full moon also marks a culmination point of the wisdom we've gained over the past six months. Using all the spiritual tools we've learned this year, this full moon asks us to heal and release anything no longer serving our ascension.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/2/23 ✨ Moon Enters Pisces

Full moons have a way of making things go haywire! This is especially true when the Aquarius Super Moon squares Uranus and opposes Lilith this morning. Watch out! The energy is unexpectedly spicy. Breakdowns and changes are in the forecast and it’s tempting to take out our frustrations on others. Remember- we can only control how we respond to discomfort. As the moon faces off against Venus this afternoon, it’s tempting to reach for familiar pleasures as a quick fix to feel good. What we’re really craving is love and affection. The moon dips into Pisces where she begins her release. Allowing ourselves to fully feel all of our feelings can help us begin to let go.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/05/23 ✨ Mercury Square Chiron

This Wednesday is anything but smooth sailing. As tension arises, it shows us what still needs to be healed. Mercury clashes with Chiron, forcing us to acknowledge our pain. If insecurities pop up, it might be tempting to put up our guard, but Mercury in Cancer asks us to stay soft instead and approach our wounding as a nurturing mother would. The waning moon in Aquarius makes tense aspects throughout the day as well.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/14/23 ✨ Venus Square Saturn

Lessons in love and money pop up this Friday as Venus squares Saturn. Difficult conversations about relationships and finances are in the forecast as we evaluate what commitments can stand the test of time. Meanwhile, the waning Aquarius moon invites us to let our freak flag fly! An opposition to Lilith this morning gives us a penchant for dramatic flair! We could experience tension between the head and the heart this afternoon as the moon squares Mercury. Stay open to changes of plan- they’re likely tonight when the moon clashes with disruptor Uranus. Outbursts and upsets could play a factor too. Surprising turns-of-event are par for the course.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/17/23 ✨ Mercury Cazimi & Venus Sextile Saturn

Like a ray of sunshine beaming through a thick fog, Mercury Cazimi brings a moment of inspiration and spiritual insight early Friday morning. Clarity could even come through visuals received in dreams. It might not make sense to the practical mind, but our “extra” senses will feel extra clear. A Capricorn conjunction between the moon and Pluto follows, showing us how much we’ve changed over time. Reflecting on the past can make our next step feel a little more realistic. When the moon moves into Aquarius, we might feel the need for space. From a little distance, we can gain a new perspective. This afternoon, Venus connects with Saturn, helping us step up and take a serious look at our relationships and finances.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/18/23 ✨ Pisces Season Begins

Welcome to Pisces Season! The sun dips into the sign of the fish for the next month, amplifying our sensitivity and heightening our intuition. This is the season for spiritual ascension. But the transition to a new astrological season might bring up a bit of anxiety with the sun, Venus, and Pluto all sitting at the 29th degree today. Feeling restless is likely, but the dark moon in Aquarius invites us to lean into stillness and find healthy outlets to occupy our mind.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/21/23 ✨ New Moon in Aquarius

Now is the time to envision our future and setting intentions for the year ahead! The New Moon in Aquarius marks a potent opportunity to manifest through the lens of possibility and innovation. As cultures around the world celebrate the Lunar New Year, there’s a potent opportunity for new beginnings. This new moon in the sign of the humanitarian Water Bearer asks us to zoom out and consider how the goals we set will impact our community. How can your unique perspective influence the collective? Keep an open mind and say yes to change.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/24/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Neptune

It’s easier to believe in magic this Christmas Eve as Mercury makes a supportive connection to dreamy Neptune. This is the perfect transit for watching holiday movies and listening to your favorite Christmas carols. Creative projects and spiritual connection are favored today too. The Capricorn moon makes conjunctions to Venus, Mercury, and Pluto throughout the day.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

10/30/22 ✨ Mars Stations Retrograde

The pace slows this Sunday as Mars stations retrograde. As the planet of action is still for just a moment to switch directions, we can pause and reflect on our true motivations and desires. The coming months bring an opportunity to review where we’re overextending our energy and call some of it back. The waxing crescent moon in Capricorn helps us prepare for the week ahead. The moon squares Chiron- you might feel a little triggered or sensitive this morning. But by the afternoon, we experience a positive change….

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

10/3/22 ✨ Capricorn Moon Conjunct Pluto

It’s a true Moon Day as the Capricorn moon makes connections all day long. We start the morning with a trine between the moon and Uranus, setting the stage for excitement or even surprise. The energy is changing today, but outbursts are possible in the process as the moon opposes Lilith. As the moon and Mercury harmonize this evening, feelings come into focus. We can start to make sense of any recent confusion caused by Mercury Retrograde.

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