3/19/24 ✨ Welcome to Aries Season
It’s GO time! Welcome to Aries Season. This is a moment of collective rebirth as the sun transitions from the last sign of the zodiac to the first, beginning a new lap around the astrological wheel. The Aries sun ushers in Spring, bringing fresh perspective and new opportunity for growth. As Mercury meets the North Node in Aries today, our mind is focused on the path ahead. New ideas can act as a springboard into our destiny. The moon moves from Cancer to Leo this afternoon, amplifying the transition from water to fire. Give yourself full permission to feel big emotions as they arise, but beware of trying to force change or control transformation. Flowers take their time to bloom and so can you.
2/21/24 ✨ Venus Conjunct Mars
What do you want… really? As Venus and Mars have their official meet-cute in Aquarius, we are asked to tap into our authentic desires and take action toward achieving them. Even acknowledging what we want to attract into our lives can be the first step in attaining it. Our feminine and masculine energies are working in perfect unison to help us realize what unique creations we are here to bring into the world. The moon enters Leo, igniting our passions and making our emotions feel bigger. Allow your inner child out to play as we approach the full moon, but be careful not to let your ego take the wheel!
1/24/24 ✨ Cancer Moon Trine Neptune
We can feel the changes happening within us, even if we can’t fully make sense of them just yet. The moon connects with Uranus, inviting us to lean into change. At the same time, a pivotal T-Square to the North and South Nodes marks a fated moment. Our emotions are our compass, showing us what we need to let go of in order to step into our purpose. A midday harmony between the moon and Neptune opens us to intuitive guidance. Trust in the body’s ability to know how to move emotions.
9/10/23 ✨ Moon Enters Leo
We must embrace all parts of ourselves in order to truly evolve. We start the morning under an opposition between the moon and Pluto, pulling us between our comfort zone and our desire to transform. When the dark moon enters Leo, we are invited to slow down and tune into our internal experience. In a place of stillness, we can hold space for our inner child and hear their needs more clearly. Giving ourselves what we needed from caregivers early in life is not only incredibly healing, but it can give us the confidence to step into a new chapter with intention and confidence!
7/17/23 ✨ New Moon in Cancer
Our intuition is our guide under the New Moon in Cancer. With the moon in her home sign, we are invited to come back home to our own bodies and trust the messages we’re receiving from within. Like a mother with a newborn child, we are encouraged to be gentle with our new ideas and creations, slowly tending to them at a comfortable pace. Supportive aspects to Uranus and Neptune help us look to the future with trust and envision the possibilities.
6/20/23 ✨ Mars Conjunct Lilith
Spring goes out like a lion! When Mars meets Lilith in Leo, our spicy (read: bitchy) side could come out to play. Drama is in the forecast! Aggression can escalate quickly today as our drive to dominate is stronger than usual. The Waxing Crescent Cancer moon harmonizes with Neptune this morning. Our mental state might feel a little foggy, but we can trust our other senses more easily now. Lead from intuition, but watch out for power struggles this afternoon when the moon opposes Pluto at the 29th degree. An overwhelming need to evolve makes us want to control or force the process. The dramatics come to a head when the moon enters Leo this evening, making our emotions feel bigger. Expressing ourselves authentically can mark a turning point between who we’ve been and who we’re becoming.
5/24/23 ✨ Venus Square Chiron & Mars Square North Node
It’s time to step out of our comfort zone. As Mars and the moon in Leo square the North and South Nodes, we are asked to be courageous and move into the unknown. Even one small step of confidence can change the trajectory of our path ahead. Venus clashes with Wounded Healer Chiron today as well. Insecurities often surface in the face of uncertainty. Notice the story you tell yourself around being taken care of and taking care of others. When the moon enters Leo today, our emotions can feel especially powerful and dramatic.
4/26/23 ✨ Cancer Moon Trine Neptune
Over-the-top emotions start our Wednesday as we wake up under a square between the Cancer moon and Jupiter in Aries. Restless sleep or dramatic dreams overnight are a possible side-effect. We can tune into our intuition this afternoon as the moon harmonizes with Jupiter in Pisces. This watery trine asks us to believe our gut instinct and have faith in what we can’t make logical sense. Stay open to magic and messages from beyond. The moon goes void for most of the evening, but as the day ends la luna makes a dramatic shift into Leo. An immediate opposition to Pluto could spur obsession or manipulation. If you’re feeling tension build, find a little playfulness to lighten the mood.
3/30/23 ✨ Venus Conjunct Uranus
This Jupiter day might start a little slow or sleepy, but we have major transformation and change in the forecast this evening! Mars and Saturn harmonize this morning, helping us align with our responsibilities. We can lead with our intuition today, feeling our way forward. We experience a major energetic shift when the moon enters Leo and immediately opposes Pluto. The emotions we’re feeling about our current transformation take center stage. This shift is compounded by the power of the Venus/Uranus conjunction this evening, marking a change of appearance, a shift in values, a change of cash flow, or an upset (or upgrade) in relationships. Expect the unexpected!
3/3/23 ✨ Venus Conjunct Chiron
This Venus Day brings potential for healing and expansion as Venus meets Chiron in Aries. With Jupiter still close by, we can more easily see the bright side of any pain points or triggers that pop up. If old wounds are reopened, observe what is still unhealed from the situation. The waxing moon in Cancer connects with Pluto and Saturn first thing this morning, setting the stage for power struggles or manipulation tactics. It’s difficult to reach for patience with all three planets at the 29th degree.
2/3/23 ✨ Sun Square Uranus
Change is in the forecast! The Aquarius sun squares disruptive Uranus today, illuminating the shifts happening around us. But there’s potential to start a revolution too- especially ahead of this weekend’s bold full moon! Look for opportunity in obstacles. The waxing Cancer moon is amplifying our intuition and opening our senses. An overnight opposition to Mercury might have brought through clear messages in dreams or woke us up with a flood of insights. It’s okay if your mind is moving faster than your heart- keep a journal handy!
1/7/23 ✨ Mercury Cazimi
Saturday opens us to powerful realizations as we process the emotions that surfaced during Friday night’s full moon. As Mercury retrograde meets up with the Capricorn sun, aha moments and breakthroughs are possible. This is called Mercury Cazimi- as the planet of communication passes through the heart of the sun, our mental state is highly activated. The Cancer full moon makes her final connections. The moon moves into Leo tonight, inviting us to lighten up and release through play!