3/23/24 ✨ Moon in Virgo
The waxing Virgo moon gains momentum this Saturn Day! We wake up under an opposition to Venus, giving us a craving for pleasure. We can notice the small, beautiful details of life more easily this morning. The energy picks up as the moon connects with Jupiter, opening us to abundance and opportunity. We’re nurtured by sharing our generosity with others today. As the moon meets Lilith in Virgo this afternoon, we might have a critical or even bitchy moment. Notice where you’re giving power away if this arises. How can you reclaim your sovereignty? A trine to Uranus makes for an exciting and unexpected Saturday night! Flow through changes and stay open to opportunities. Release control and let life surprise you!
2/21/24 ✨ Venus Conjunct Mars
What do you want… really? As Venus and Mars have their official meet-cute in Aquarius, we are asked to tap into our authentic desires and take action toward achieving them. Even acknowledging what we want to attract into our lives can be the first step in attaining it. Our feminine and masculine energies are working in perfect unison to help us realize what unique creations we are here to bring into the world. The moon enters Leo, igniting our passions and making our emotions feel bigger. Allow your inner child out to play as we approach the full moon, but be careful not to let your ego take the wheel!
1/22/24 ✨ Moon Enters Cancer
We have a slow start to this Moon Day as we wake up under a sleepy square between the moon and Neptune. Hitting snooze is awfully tempting. But by the afternoon, we’ll be feeling frisky and spontaneous as the moon faces off with Venus at the 29th degree. We crave stimulation and pleasure, but our restlessness can make settle for a quick thrill over lasting fulfillment. The Waxing Gibbous Moon comes home to Cancer this afternoon, allowing us to drop from our head to our heart. We can tune back into the wisdom of our body and trust our intuition to lead the way over the coming days.
8/29/23 ✨ Moon in Aquarius
The Aquarius moon keeps the energy weird today. As we approach tomorrow night’s super moon, our quirks and oddities are illuminated. We might find ourselves waking from nostalgic dreams after an overnight opposition to Venus Retrograde. Tense 90º squares to Jupiter and Uranus throughout the day give us an almost overwhelming craving for expansion and innovation- but beware of moving too quickly! We crave thrills and excitement now, but outbursts, accidents, and mood swings are side effects of overextending ourselves. Keep the collective in mind, but above all else, stay true to you.
8/2/23 ✨ Moon Enters Pisces
Full moons have a way of making things go haywire! This is especially true when the Aquarius Super Moon squares Uranus and opposes Lilith this morning. Watch out! The energy is unexpectedly spicy. Breakdowns and changes are in the forecast and it’s tempting to take out our frustrations on others. Remember- we can only control how we respond to discomfort. As the moon faces off against Venus this afternoon, it’s tempting to reach for familiar pleasures as a quick fix to feel good. What we’re really craving is love and affection. The moon dips into Pisces where she begins her release. Allowing ourselves to fully feel all of our feelings can help us begin to let go.
7/05/23 ✨ Mercury Square Chiron
This Wednesday is anything but smooth sailing. As tension arises, it shows us what still needs to be healed. Mercury clashes with Chiron, forcing us to acknowledge our pain. If insecurities pop up, it might be tempting to put up our guard, but Mercury in Cancer asks us to stay soft instead and approach our wounding as a nurturing mother would. The waning moon in Aquarius makes tense aspects throughout the day as well.
6/7/23 ✨ Venus Square North Node
Embracing our authenticity can create shifts in our closest relationships. Venus squares the North and South Nodes today, marking a turning point in our desires. But as the moon moves into Aquarius, she completes a Grand Cross, creating resistance to change, but also generating the friction to make it happen! Expressing ourselves freely and genuinely is key today- especially as the sun connects with Lilith, shining light on anything we’ve repressed or hidden. Allowing our deepest truths to surface is an act of freeing ourselves. Harsh or difficult interactions can show us what we truly value.
5/8/23 ✨ Moon Enters Capricorn
We start the week in a sleepy haze as the Sagittarius moon clashes with dreamy Neptune on Monday morning. But the fog clears this afternoon as the waning moon harmonizes with abundant Jupiter, bringing plenty of energy and optimism. We’ll have a natural ability to see silver linings and have faith in what’s unfolding. This evening, the moon moves into Capricorn, bringing us back down to reality. We’re more concerned with making sense of our emotions than really feeling them over the coming days. We might find ourselves drawn to people who makes us feel safe- especially as the moon opposes Venus in Cancer tonight. If you need a hug, don’t be afraid to ask for one. Calling your mom or a trusted family member might feel nice too.
3/9/23 ✨ Libra Moon
It could be difficult to remain emotionally balanced today, even under the harmonious Libra moon. As the moon faces off against and incoming conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron, we can clearly see our biggest wounds- especially surrounding our relationships and our appearance. Notice how your emotions are mirrored in others, but beware of projecting! Late tonight, the moon comes into another opposition, but this time, with lover Venus.
2/7/23 ✨ Venus Sextile Uranus
Try a different approach today. As Venus comes into a supportive connection with Uranus, we are attracted to different experiences and people. Tapping into our creativity to lead to unexpected realizations. Financial upgrades are possible too! The waning Virgo moon comes into a tense square with Mars this evening, making even the smallest irritations feel like full-blown aggravations. Being overly needy or indulgent might disrupt the plan for the night, but releasing control can lead to open us to surprising happenings.
1/8/23 ✨ Lilith Enters Leo
Strong displays of feminine power are in the forecast this Sunday as Lilith moves into Leo. Over the coming months, expect bold expressions of womanhood- but remember… standing up for ourselves doesn’t always need to be forceful or bitchy. Reflecting on the past can provide insights about the future this afternoon as Mercury Retrograde and Uranus Retrograde harmonize. Changes of plan are possible today- stay open to the insights and opportunities that arise amidst disruption. The waning Leo moon asks us to let our hair down and release through play.
12/8/22 ✨ Moon in Gemini
In the wake of last night’s full moon, we might find ourselves processing the big emotions that bubbled to the surface. Our thoughts and words are illuminated as the moon moves through Gemini all day. We wake up under a square between the moon and Neptune, making us feel groggy of confused. It’s okay if you can’t quite make sense of things this morning. By tonight, we experience an intense desire for love and affection when the moon opposes Venus. This transit makes us feel needy.