2/28/23 ✨ Moon Enters Cancer
Emotions come in waves this Tuesday. We start the morning under a square between the moon and Neptune, causing sensitivity and sleepiness. Watch out for confusion or deception. As the day goes on, harmony between the Gemini moon and Mercury brings clarity and breakthroughs. New perspectives can be realized. This evening, the moon makes a potent double connection to Saturn and Pluto- all at the 29th degree!
6/5/22 ✨ Leo Moon Opposite Saturn
There’s a sense of resisting change this Sunday as the Leo moon makes some uncomfortable connections. We start the morning with the moon making a tense T-square to the North and South nodes. This afternoon, the Leo moon opposes Saturn in Aquarius, forcing us to face our own duties and responsibilities. Sunday scaries, anyone?
5/31/22 ✨ Lilith Square Mars
Slow down, you crazy child! The Gemini New moon has kept us busy and social, but a square between masculine Mars and rebellious Lilith could cause burnout. Mars in Aries wants us to keep pushing forward, but Lilith in Cancer brings our attention to the ways our body is being ignored. We’re easily triggered under this aspect- beware of lashing out due to exhaustion or overwhelm.
5/9/22 ✨ Mercury Retrograde in Gemini
The start of a new week could feel a bit uneasy as we prepare for Mercury to station retrograde tomorrow. This is a time to double check plans, cross T’s, and dot I’s. Get back to basics and review the facts. Communications mishaps and tech glitches are possible through the beginning of June!
4/12/22 ✨ Jupiter Conjunct Neptune
Expect magic when Jupiter and Neptune meet up in their home sign of Pisces. This transit adds a little sprinkle of fairy dust to our lives throughout April, but we can expect its energy to be especially potent today. Both Jupiter and Neptune hold the vibration of belief and spirituality. Ask for signs. Speak to your angels. Hope and optimism will be abundant.
4/7/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Saturn
This Thursday might feel like we’re returning to our senses after a week filled with intense and confusing energy. Mercury gets support from Saturn, allowing us to keep our wits about us and make responsible, practical decisions. The moon dips into nurturing Cancer by mid-day, asking us to return home to the body.
3/15/22 ✨ Sun Sextile North Node
The dramatics of the Leo moon remain high as it makes uncomfortable connections throughout the day. If you’re experiencing unease or stress, ask yourself what adjustments you can make to find more balance and flow. Tonight, the Pisces sun and North Node come into a supportive angle, giving us insights about how we can move closer to our purpose.
3/10/22 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Gemini
The first quarter moon brings ample energy to start moving toward the intentions we set under the new moon. As la luna transits through Gemini, we can bounce ideas off other people to get the ball rolling. As the moon reaches its farthest point from the earth, suppressed emotions or urges could be expressed.
2/10/22 ✨ Moon Trine Sun + Saturn
The energy could feel a bit chaotic today under the Gemini moon. A flowing angle between the moon and Saturn helps us slow the mercurial pace of the day and stay grounded amid this airy and uncertain Aquarius season.
1/19/22 ✨ Aquarius Season Starts!!
Welcome to Aquarius Season! When the sun moves into the sign of the Water Bearer on Wednesday night, we can let our freak flags fly high! Over the next month, expect a greater focus on technology and humanitarian issues.