3/29/24 ✨ Moon Enters Sagittarius
Exhale. Release. Let it all pour out. The Scorpio moon harmonizes with Neptune this morning, giving us a slow and sleepy start to the day. The energy picks up this afternoon when the moon enters Sagittarius, inviting us to let our hair down and let go! As the moon continues her release in the sign of the archer, we can embrace the feeling of freedom. A sextile to Pluto asks us to lean into transformation. Create space for new adventures. Late tonight, a square to Mars could ruffle feathers. Aggression and irritation are possible. Beware of fighting battles that aren’t your own. Stay in your lane. The Sagittarius moon reminds us life isn’t supposed to be so serious.
3/15/24 ✨ Moon in Gemini
The Gemini moon keeps us engaged and stimulated today. We wake up under a square to Venus, making us crave affection and pleasure. We might feel especially needy and we’re quick to reach for anything that will make us feel good this morning. Become a witness to your mental dialogue this afternoon. The moon connects with Mercury, helping us become consciously aware of how we feel. But a square to Saturn follows, forcing us to be realistic (or even negative.) If you find yourself spiraling into fear or doubt, remember: Not every thought you think or emotion you feel is true. Treat yourself as a respected elder might approach you.
3/14/24 ✨ Moon Enters Gemini
When in doubt, shake it out. No really… moving your body can help dissolve any agitation or restlessness today. We wake up under a conjunction of the Taurus moon and Uranus, causing disruptions or surprises. A square to Mars adds friction and irritation. When the aggravating energy dies down this afternoon, our energy could crash too. An afternoon nap could be in order thanks to a supportive sextile from Neptune. Tonight, the waxing crescent moon moves into Gemini, helping us make sense of our emotions and gather more information to plot our next steps. A trine to Pluto reminds us that evolution is happening in every moment, even if we can’t see the big picture yet.
2/29/24 ✨ Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Big plans and potent ideas can come through on this magical LEAP Day! As Mercury in Pisces gets support from Jupiter, we’re prone to making grand plans before thinking through the details. Silver linings could cloud our judgment. Let this be a day for brainstorming- keep a notebook close by or a trusted friend on speed dial- but don’t make anything concrete just yet. The Scorpio moon makes back-to-back connections throughout the evening, giving us plenty of energy to connect with others and share our ideas. But a square to Mars could make us feel irritable tonight. Notice where you feel frustrated- this is an invitation to reclaim your power and focus on what you can control.
2/14/24 ✨ Valentine’s Day Astrology
Stop and smell the flowers… The Waxing Crescent moon takes us on a ride today. The moon enters Taurus this morning, allowing us to appreciate all the sensory experiences of Valentine’s Day. Squares to Venus, Pluto, and Mars make us feel needy and impatient, craving control and power in our relationships. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, come back to the comfort of your own body. By tonight, positive connection to Saturn and Jupiter help us slow down, relax, and appreciate all the abundance we’ve experienced throughout the day.
1/31/24 ✨ Libra Moon Square Mars
The peaceful energy of the Libra moon is challenged by uncomfortable transits today. We start the morning under an opposition to Wounded Healer, Chiron; forcing us to face painful emotions. Old stories and relationship dynamics can surface. This evening, a square to Mars can make us irritated and reactive. Avoid the impulse to act on triggers. Instead, take a breath, find center, and become the observer of your emotions. This is how we heal. Whatever is coming up today is asking to be released so we can move in the direction of our highest self.
1/16/24 ✨ Moon in Aries
Hold your horses! The fiery Aries moon makes aggravating connections to Mercury and Mars, creating tension between our head and our heart. Watch out for impulsive or even hostile reactions today. Keep your side of the street clean and give others grace- we’ll all be a little more irritable under this unsettling energy. Old wounds could feel like they’ve been ripped open by the end of the day. Where there is pain, there is the potential to become stronger in our healing.
9/8/23 ✨ Sun Trine Jupiter
Good luck is on our side! The sun makes its bi-annual harmony to abundant Jupiter, opening us to expansion and growth. There’s plenty of possibility and positivity to work with today! With the sun in Virgo, fortune favors those with pure intentions today. The Cancer moon keeps us connected to our gut instincts. A trine to Saturn gives us natural authority and responsibility, but we’re prone to being impulsive this afternoon when the moon clashes with Mars! It’s easy to get caught up in the optimism of the day. Remember, there’s no rush. We can trust that what’s meant for us will find us.
8/26/23 ✨ Moon Enters Capricorn
It’s a potent Saturn Day to step into a leadership role. We start the morning under a impulsive square between the moon and Mars, lighting a fire under us to get up and get sh•t done! When the moon moves into Capricorn this afternoon, we might feel the need to make logical sense of our emotions rather than just feel them. It’s natural to feel a little cold or distant over the coming days. But the Capricorn moon helps us step up and lead when it connects with the Virgo sun and Saturn this afternoon. We have a natural, grounded confidence and authority today.
7/28/23 ✨ Mercury Enters Virgo
Think fast! Impulsive energy dominates this Venus Day. Mercury spends the morning at the 29th degree of Leo, making our mind restless. A trine to the North Node gives us the urge to make sense of our destiny. When Mercury moves into Virgo this afternoon, we can see the details more clearly- but criticism comes quickly too! Remember- words carry power.
7/13/23 ✨ Moon Enters Gemini
The moon moves into Gemini, helping us mentally process the emotions that we’ve felt over this past moon cycle. As la luna enters her darkest phase, we are invited to find stillness and reflect. But an overnight square to Mars could make it difficult to get rest- active dreams or disturbed sleep are possible. We have an impulse to jump out of bed and get moving! A sexile to Mercury gives us a mental boost, helping us communicate with confidence and clarity. But we could hit an afternoon slump when the moon squares Saturn. Beware of getting caught up in a spiral of doubt or worry. Don’t believe every thought you think!
6/29/23 ✨ Mercury Trine Saturn
Harmony among the planets opens us to healing and learning today. Venus trines Chiron, allowing us to give love to the pain we’ve faced in relationships and finances. Then, Mercury and Saturn come into that same balanced aspect. Making practical sense of the lessons we’re learning feels natural- especially when it comes to emotional regulation and spiritual awareness. Our relationships are our greatest teachers.