Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/23/24 ✨ Scorpio Full Moon

The Scorpio Full Moon completes a T-Square to Pluto and the sun, illuminating uncomfortable truths. What have you been hiding from? It will be difficult to ignore under the light of this potent and transformative full moon. Embrace the darkness and allow what no longer serves you to be purged. Only then can you rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/9/24 ✨ Moon Enters Taurus

Slow down and ground back into your body as the moon moves into Taurus. In the wake of yesterday’s solar eclipse, we can reflect on what we really want and begin making plans to bring those desires into reality. We crave stability and comfort now, but a 90º square between the moon and Pluto this morning might bring up intense feelings. Allow whatever is coming up to be released and alchemized to create space for what you’re calling in. Remember, it’s safe to feel. It’s safe to hold true to your values. It’s safe to be in your body.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/27/24 ✨ Venus Opposite Lilith

Craving control? All of today’s transits make us want to tighten our grip, but the true magic happens in release. Venus opposes Lilith, showing us where we’ve abandoned our values and given our power away. No need to reclaim it with hostility though- stay sovereign and focus on yourself. The moon dives into Scorpio overnight, bringing us deeper into our well of emotions. Intense feelings can surface in the wake of the full moon. Compulsive tendencies can pop up when the moon squares Pluto. A following trine to Mars, gives us plenty of motivation and energy to work with today, but aggression is a possible side-effect. Become witness to all emotions that are surfacing now. Get curious about where they’re coming from and what valuable message they carry. This is how true transformation happens.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/28/24 ✨ Sun and Mercury Conjunct Saturn

What lessons are you learning? What wisdom do you have the authority to share? These are the questions to ask as the Pisces sun meets Mercury and Saturn in a triple conjunction. This transit can bring crystal clarity, illuminating the challenges we’ve overcome and what we’ve learned in the process. We have the mental tenacity to “do hard things” today too. But fears and doubts could pop up in the process. If you find yourself becoming anxious or overwhelmed, slow down to Saturn’s pace- remember, there’s no rush. As the moon dives into Scorpio, it asks us to purge what no longer supports our evolution to make space for our next version to emerge.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/14/24 ✨ Valentine’s Day Astrology

Stop and smell the flowers… The Waxing Crescent moon takes us on a ride today. The moon enters Taurus this morning, allowing us to appreciate all the sensory experiences of Valentine’s Day. Squares to Venus, Pluto, and Mars make us feel needy and impatient, craving control and power in our relationships. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, come back to the comfort of your own body. By tonight, positive connection to Saturn and Jupiter help us slow down, relax, and appreciate all the abundance we’ve experienced throughout the day.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/1/24 ✨ Moon Enters Scorpio

Don’t let the calm of the morning fool you… We wake under a void moon in Libra, bringing sleepy, meditative energy. This isn’t the time to complete anything of significance. But when the Last Quarter Moon enters Scorpio this afternoon, it’s an entirely different story! The moon immediately squares Pluto, forcing our deepest, darkest emotions to the surface in a rather volatile manner. This transit can feel explosive. Remember- what’s coming up needs to come out. Like a researcher in a lab, be the observer of the emotional reaction happening within you.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/17/24 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Aries

I feel the need… the need to succeed! The First Quarter Moon in Aries lights a fire under us to move towards our desires. We can trust our instincts are leading us in the direction of our highest purpose- all we have to do is take the first step. It’s easy to share our passions with others as the moon harmonizes with Venus. Getting what we want feels natural today. Fair warning- watch out for obsessive or controlling tendencies when the moon clashes with Pluto late tonight!

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

9/3/23 ✨ Venus Stations Direct

This Sun day invites us to reflect on the wisdom we’ve gained. As Venus wraps up her 40-day retrograde, she sits at an uncomfortable standstill today. It could feel like our relationships and finances are stagnant too. This pause gives us a moment to assess our values and how they align with the life we’re currently living. The Aries moon squares Pluto this morning, making it tempting to try to force or control anything that’s not moving as quickly as we’d like. Outbursts and power struggles are possible. When the waning moon enters Taurus, we can relax into a slower pace more easily. Connect with nature and give anything no longer serving you back to Mother Earth. There’s mastery in letting go.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/21/23 ✨ Moon Enters Scorpio

It’s time to dig a little deeper. The moon makes a powerful exit from Libra, squaring Pluto and connecting with the Leo sun. Uncomfortable or powerful emotions could surface. Whatever’s coming up is here to push us to evolve, but there’s a tendency to want to control the process. When the moon dives into Scorpio this evening, we can go even deeper, uncovering our inner power and unlocking our true motivations. It feels natural to try to coerce or manipulate today. Remember- nothing worth having has to be forced.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/25/23 ✨ Moon Enters Scorpio

The moon makes a bold entrance into Scorpio this morning, meeting the South Node and squaring Pluto as she exits Libra. This could feel like a sudden drop into our own depths, revealing what needs to be released so we can move forward unencumbered by the past. The First Quarter Moon invites us to take action on our deepest desires, but first, we must uncover them. Tonight, harmony between the moon and Saturn reminds us to pace ourselves. Slow and steady. There’s no rush.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/10/23 ✨ Mars Enters Virgo & Mercury Enters Leo

We’ve got a LOT going on in the stars to start our week! Motivating Mars moves into meticulous Virgo, making us eager to be productive. Even the smallest actions can bring us closer to our destiny today as Mars harmonizes with the North Node. Meanwhile, Mercury goes on a journey of its own, opposing Pluto and squaring the Nodes of Fate. This configuration is called a Grand Cross, a highly-activating aspect that can force us to change the way we see the world around us. Conversations and interactions we have today could open us to deeper understanding.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

6/28/23 ✨ Grand Trine: Sun, Moon, and Saturn

Deep desires can be realized today as Venus meets Lilith in Leo. Our confidence could be perceived as being domineering or controlling though! Be mindful of how you’re expressing your wants and needs. The moon enters Scorpio overnight, taking us down into the shadows of our own psyche. We crave intimate connection and exploration over the coming days. Anything that’s been repressed is likely to surface.

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