4/25/24 ✨ Mercury Stations Direct
Press the reset button. Mercury stations direct in Aries, giving us an opportunity to reflect on all the wisdom we’ve gained over the past few weeks and begin again with renewed perspective. And we’ll have plenty of motivation to back up our mindset this morning as the Scorpio moon harmonized with Mars. It’s go time! But don’t be surprised if you hit a wall (or completely crash) this afternoon when the moon connects with Neptune. Going too hard this morning could lead to burnout and mental fog this evening. The Waning Gibbous moon enters Sagittarius this evening, renewing our sense of optimism and reminding us to let our hair down and have fun. There’s value in allowing ourselves to feel both the lows and highs of life.
3/27/24 ✨ Venus Opposite Lilith
Craving control? All of today’s transits make us want to tighten our grip, but the true magic happens in release. Venus opposes Lilith, showing us where we’ve abandoned our values and given our power away. No need to reclaim it with hostility though- stay sovereign and focus on yourself. The moon dives into Scorpio overnight, bringing us deeper into our well of emotions. Intense feelings can surface in the wake of the full moon. Compulsive tendencies can pop up when the moon squares Pluto. A following trine to Mars, gives us plenty of motivation and energy to work with today, but aggression is a possible side-effect. Become witness to all emotions that are surfacing now. Get curious about where they’re coming from and what valuable message they carry. This is how true transformation happens.
3/16/24 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Gemini
The Gemini moon builds momentum this Saturn Day. The day begins with connections to Lilith and Chiron, bringing up pain points. How we address irritation is a direct indication of where we are on our healing journey. As the moon comes into a trine with Mars, our energy increases this evening. We have plenty of motivation and stamina to propel us into social settings. As the moon squares the sun and Neptune tonight, we approach a prime moment to take action. Even if your vision is still foggy, trust your dreams are coming into reality.
2/27/24 ✨ Mars Square Jupiter
Aaaand ACTION! There’s no shortage of motivation and energy to work with early this morning under a square between Mars and Jupiter. Just try not to move too fast or give into impulses that you may later regret. The Libra Moon harmonizes with Mars and Venus, allowing us to align with our desires and easily find pleasure today. It feels natural to relate to others and share the love. When the moon meets the South Node this evening, we must acknowledge what we need ready to release in order to heal.
2/16/24 ✨ Venus Enters Aquarius
Change your mind, change your life! As Venus moves into Aquarius, we desire new experiences and offbeat interactions. A square between Mercury and Uranus disrupts our normal mindset, forcing us to change the way we think and communicate. Innovative ideas can come through today, but they could feel intrusive or disruptive in the moment. The First Quarter Moon moves into Gemini, making us crave stimulation. Harmonious connections to Venus, Mars, and Pluto make it feel natural to go after our desires, put ideas into motion, and embrace transformation.
1/28/24 ✨ Venus Trine Jupiter & Mercury Trine Uranus
This Sunday feels especially sunny under a harmonious trine between Venus and Jupiter. Luck and love are on our side and abundance flows to us with ease. Meanwhile, we can open to innovative ideas and new perspectives under a simultaneous harmony between Mercury and Uranus. Thinking outside the box comes naturally. Our mindset today can shift the tides of destiny.
1/18/24 ✨ Mercury Sextile Saturn
We can easily step into our power, speak our mind, and share our abundance today. Mercury and Saturn lock into a supportive sextile, helping us communicate with authority and express our ideas. Mental clarity and focus are positive side effects too. The moon moves into Taurus, tapping us into our senses. Positive connections to Mars and Jupiter give us plenty of energy to move our bodies and go after our dreams! This is a beautiful day to take the lead.
9/6/23 ✨ Mercury Cazimi
This Mercury Day is one for the books! Mercury Retrograde passes through the heart of the sun, bringing a profound moment for clarity and insight early this morning. With both the sun adn moon in mercurial signs, it could feel like we’re asking a lot of questions. Giving our mind space to ponder can invite in some of the answers we seek- but it may be helpful to give the body a rhythm to anchor to in the process. We’re certainly restless as the stimulating Gemini moon pulls away from a trine to Mars. As the moon clashes with the sun and Mercury, we reach a point of peak release. Venus brings support to this mashup, helping us lovingly let go of the stories that are no longer serving us. If it doesn’t bring health, wealth, or happiness, it’s time to create space for something that will!
8/28/23 ✨ Uranus Stations Retrograde
You say you want a revolution? Well you might feel like starting one today! Uranus stations retrograde, inviting us to review how much we’ve already changed and shifted. But we could certainly feel the urge for more innovation when the Waxing Gibbous moon moves into Aquarius and harmonized with Mars. It feels natural to take action today, but watch out for being overly eager! Remember- long-lasting change doesn’t happen overnight.
7/30/23 ✨ Lilith Square Uranus
Watch out! Our inner bitch could cause some major disruptions this weekend as Black Moon Lilith clashes with Uranus. Repressed desires could surface in a sassy (or hostile) manner. Notice what emotions are coming up and uncover the deeper truth.
7/10/23 ✨ Mars Enters Virgo & Mercury Enters Leo
We’ve got a LOT going on in the stars to start our week! Motivating Mars moves into meticulous Virgo, making us eager to be productive. Even the smallest actions can bring us closer to our destiny today as Mars harmonizes with the North Node. Meanwhile, Mercury goes on a journey of its own, opposing Pluto and squaring the Nodes of Fate. This configuration is called a Grand Cross, a highly-activating aspect that can force us to change the way we see the world around us. Conversations and interactions we have today could open us to deeper understanding.
7/02/23 ✨ Venus Square Uranus
Sunday marks a shift in love and money as Venus squares Uranus. When the planet of beauty clashes with the planet of rebellion, disruptive moments could erupt in our closest relationships. We might also feel an overwhelming urge to upgrade our relationship status or make a dramatic change to our appearance. Beware of impulsive desires! The Sagittarius moon adds to simultaneous excitement and confusion this morning. But when the moon becomes full in Capricorn, it’s easier to slow down, return to our senses, and honor the success we’ve already achieved. Slow and steady wins the race…