4/27/24 ✨ Moon Trine Mercury
The moon continues her trip through Sagittarius, taking us on a ride. There’s great potential for healing today if we recognize the power of having fun and feeling pleasure. Release can come naturally when we allow ourselves to simply enjoy the human experience. But moving too quickly could result in accidental hurt when the moon squares Lilith. A seemingly harmless quip or mindless move could land more harshly than anticipated. Slow down and be intentional with how you relate to others. Late tonight, it will feel especially pleasurable to indulge in the body’s desires and relax.
3/28/24 ✨ Venus Sextile Uranus
Open to new expressions of love today. As Venus connects with Uranus, we’re invited to change our perspective on what pleasure and beauty can feel like. Seeking out different experiences and sharing our affection in unconventional ways can lead to breakthroughs in relationships. Getting innovative with our finances can be beneficial too! The Scorpio moon opposes Jupiter and Uranus, cracking us open to share emotions in new ways. But overextending ourselves could lead to a whiplash effect. Mood swings and outburst are possible this evening if we feel like we’ve lost control. We end the day under a harmonious trine between the waning moon and Venus, allowing love to flow freely. Relax your grip and allow beauty to wash over you.
3/17/24 ✨ Sun Conjunct Neptune
This SUN Day is a day for dreaming. As the Pisces sun meets Neptune, the boundaries of consciousness dissolve. Creativity and spirituality come naturally, but it’s easy to get lost in the sauce today too. Allow yourself to check out of reality without falling too far down a rabbit hole. The First Quarter Moon in Cancer attunes us to our intuition. Trust gut feelings today. As the moon harmonizes with Venus, allow yourself to be a vessel of love.
2/27/24 ✨ Mars Square Jupiter
Aaaand ACTION! There’s no shortage of motivation and energy to work with early this morning under a square between Mars and Jupiter. Just try not to move too fast or give into impulses that you may later regret. The Libra Moon harmonizes with Mars and Venus, allowing us to align with our desires and easily find pleasure today. It feels natural to relate to others and share the love. When the moon meets the South Node this evening, we must acknowledge what we need ready to release in order to heal.
2/16/24 ✨ Venus Enters Aquarius
Change your mind, change your life! As Venus moves into Aquarius, we desire new experiences and offbeat interactions. A square between Mercury and Uranus disrupts our normal mindset, forcing us to change the way we think and communicate. Innovative ideas can come through today, but they could feel intrusive or disruptive in the moment. The First Quarter Moon moves into Gemini, making us crave stimulation. Harmonious connections to Venus, Mars, and Pluto make it feel natural to go after our desires, put ideas into motion, and embrace transformation.
1/27/24 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Mars
We’re making sense of what we’re learning and what we want to do with this wisdom in the wake of the Leo Full Moon. Mercury meets Mars, giving us plenty of mental energy and focus. We have measured motivation today. Venus and Saturn come into a supportive sextile, asking us to lean into responsibility and maturely assess our financial and romantic investments. As the waning moon enters Virgo, we can analyze the emotions that have surfaced and make an intentional plan to release what no longer supports our ability to be of the highest service to all.
1/17/24 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Aries
I feel the need… the need to succeed! The First Quarter Moon in Aries lights a fire under us to move towards our desires. We can trust our instincts are leading us in the direction of our highest purpose- all we have to do is take the first step. It’s easy to share our passions with others as the moon harmonizes with Venus. Getting what we want feels natural today. Fair warning- watch out for obsessive or controlling tendencies when the moon clashes with Pluto late tonight!
9/2/23 ✨ Moon Conjunct Chiron
Feeling triggered? The waning Aries moon makes us prone to being reactive. An overnight trine to Venus Retrograde might have brought sweet dreams with a side of nostalgia. When the moon meets Chiron Retrograde, old wounds could feel like they’re reopening. The key to healing is reacting differently than a former version of yourself might have. Allowing ourselves to feel old hurts is the first step to finding healing in the present.
8/25/23 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius
The First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius pushes us ahead with optimism and faith. We wake up open to pleasure today under a harmonious connection to Venus. But we could trip ourselves up when the moon clashes with Mercury Retrograde this afternoon. Getting caught up in the big picture could make us overlook fine print. Slow your roll… Use discernment late tonight when the moon squares Neptune. We’re easily deceived now. If you’re feeling tempted to get lost in a fantasy, hit the pillow and drift off to dreamland instead.
7/29/23 ✨ Moon Enters Capricorn
We have a sweet Saturn Day in the forecast! Under the optimistic Sagittarius moon, we can easily see silver linings and expand our own awareness. The moon completes a love triangle with Venus and Neptune (both of which are retrograde,) settling us into a romantic haze this afternoon. The energy could feel a little foggy, but we can easily trust in what we can’t fully make sense of. When the moon moves into serious Capricorn tonight, we could notice our rational mind coming online. We’re more concerned with logic than emotion over the coming days. A harmonious trine between the moon and Mercury will keep the conversations, insights, and ideas flowing late tonight!
7/10/23 ✨ Mars Enters Virgo & Mercury Enters Leo
We’ve got a LOT going on in the stars to start our week! Motivating Mars moves into meticulous Virgo, making us eager to be productive. Even the smallest actions can bring us closer to our destiny today as Mars harmonizes with the North Node. Meanwhile, Mercury goes on a journey of its own, opposing Pluto and squaring the Nodes of Fate. This configuration is called a Grand Cross, a highly-activating aspect that can force us to change the way we see the world around us. Conversations and interactions we have today could open us to deeper understanding.
7/01/23 ✨ Sun & Mercury Sextile Jupiter
July starts with a fresh spark! As the Sun and Mercury meet in Cancer, both planets form a supportive aspect to abundant Jupiter. This transit brings a positive outlook and fortunate ideas. Don’t be surprised if you hop out of bed with a pep in your step! The Sagittarius moon boosts the optimistic vibes, allowing us to see silver linings.