11/10/22 ✨ Grand Trine △ Venus, Neptune & Lilith
In the wake of the intense transformation spurred by the eclipse, we get a moment to breathe a little easier and tap into our creative force. This Jupiter Day, we experience the most fortunate aspect in astrology: a Grand Trine! Venus leads a trio of planets all coming into harmonious connections with Neptune and Lilith over the coming days. This balanced triangle in water signs helps us attune our intuition and open to higher love.
11/5/22 ✨ Venus Opposite Uranus
We’re attracted to a change of pace this Saturday as Venus opposes Uranus, but a need for excitement could lead to disruptions or upsets in our closest relationships. This is not the day for reckless spending or rash decisions. Hold off on makeovers and big purchases until after eclipse season. The sun meets the South Node this morning, shining light on our shadows. We must face our past in order to fully align with our future. Neptune and Lilith lock into a harmonious trine, enhancing our intuition and allowing for powerful creativity to flow through.