6/6/24 ✨ Gemini New Moon
Our mind is our most powerful tool for manifestation under this New Moon. Venus joins the sun and moon as they meet in Gemini, bringing our attention to our desires. If we can perceive it, we can receive it. Using our words intentionally can be a powerful ritual. Write or speak what you want to create in this next cycle. Or better yet, find a trusted witness to share your vision. Remember- our words carry great energy. Be clear and detailed about what you’re calling in. When you ask, the Universe listens.
5/7/24 ✨ Taurus New Moon
You already have everything you need to create the changes you desire. The Taurus New Moon invites us to appreciate the abundance of resources already in reach. As the moon meets Venus, we can indulge in earthly pleasures and embrace the human experience. Nature is our greatest muse today. As the moon becomes new tonight, a sextile to Saturn helps us to slow down, reflect on the wisdom we’ve gained, and set practical intentions for the next chapter. But don’t be surprised if unexpected changes pop up. With Uranus nearby, anything is possible! How can you innovate while remaining grounded?
4/8/24 ✨ Solar Eclipse in Aries
What are you here to do? The Aries Solar Eclipse catapults us into the next version of who we are becoming. As the moon passes over the sun, darkening the sky above, we are asked to pause and tune into our true desires. Who are you? Why are you here? This can mark a fresh start and a new zest for life. We can almost instantaneously put our ideas into motion. Why wait? When you know, you know. Even small actions today can have a life-changing impact. We can channel the confidence and determination of the moon and sun in Aries to launch head first in the direction of our purpose. We have plenty of motivation, energy, and stamina to work with under this eclipse. But remember- just because you don't see an immediate outcome doesn't mean you're not making progress. Focus on the spark. Momentum will follow What’s meant to be will be.
3/10/24 ✨ New Moon in Pisces
Embrace the magic of transformation under the Pisces New Moon. This is a powerful day to imagine what’s possible. But first, Mercury connects with Pluto, inviting us to do a deep dive into what we’ve released as we close a chapter. From here, we can appreciate the space has been created for something new to begin. Think of today like the liminal space between what was and what will be. Allow yourself to fully soak in the feeling of trusting the unknown. By the end of the weekend, the moon enters Aries, setting the stage for us to move in the direction of our dreams.
2/9/24 ✨ New Moon in Aquarius
We can embrace exciting, new beginnings under the Aquarius New Moon. As a new cycle starts in the sign of the Water Bearer, our authenticity is our compass. What makes us different is the greatest gift we can give to the collective. A square to Uranus brings surprises and disruptions ahead of this new journey. Stay open to the unexpected! Remaining flexible allows us to turn obstacles into opportunities.
1/11/24 ✨ New Moon in Capricorn
The first New Moon of the New Year brings a fated opportunity to dream big. Supercharged by the energy of the 1/11 date on the calendar, this new moon is ripe with possibility. As the moon and sun meet in Capricorn, it feels as if we’re standing at the base of a mountain with the almost delusional confidence needed to reach the summit. Perfectly positioned between the nodes of fate, we must negotiate both our past and our future in this moment. What do you need to let go of in order to step into your next version? Focus on your big vision rather than your next steps and simply commit to moving in the direction of your destination. Trust in your dreams. They’re yours for a reason. And don’t be surprised how quickly the Universe moves when you decide what you truly desire and trust your intuition.
9/15/23 ✨ Mercury Retrograde Ends!
Change is in the air this Venus Day! Mercury stations direct, ending its 2-week retrograde. This is an opportunity to gather the insights from our review and use them to inform our next steps. The sun and Uranus come into a harmonious trine as well, opening us to innovation and excitement! The New Moon in Virgo makes her final connections this morning to Neptune and Pluto. If uncomfortable emotions surface, allow them to fuel your transformation. When the waxing moon glides into lovely Libra, we can come back to center and move forward from a place of balance.
9/14/23 ✨ New Moon in Virgo
The Virgo New Moon marks a powerful moment for manifestation. This is a clean slate. An opportunity to enter the next chapter with pure intentions. Harmonious trines to Jupiter and Uranus open us to possibility and innovation. The last new moon before eclipse season acts as fertile soil for the next two months of rapid change! As Mercury slows to end its retrograde tomorrow, we are invited to slow down and get crystal clear about how we want to evolve.
8/16/23 ✨ New Moon in Leo
The Leo New Moon sparks new passion! Proudly sharing what’s lighting up our heart can help it manifest more quickly. And don’t be afraid to think outside the box- The moon and sun square Uranus, activating us to innovate. Discomfort is par for the course- lean in! A harmonious trine between Uranus and Mars makes it feel easier to take action on inspiration and move from our intuition. The new moon is conjunct Lilith, connecting us to our deep desires and raw power. But there’s a fine line between expressing ourselves authentically and being overbearing or hostile. Be the change you wish to see in the world- not the drama!
8/15/23 ✨ Sun Square Uranus
In the hours leading up to the new moon, the shifts we’re experiencing are illuminated as the Leo sun shines a harsh light on Uranus in Taurus. This is the moment to lean into change and follow your hearts desires. What is lighting you up? As uncomfortable as it might be, lean in that direction. The dark moon in Leo squares Jupiter this morning, forcing us to see the positive in everything. We’re passionate and spontaneous, but love comes naturally too as the moon meets Venus Retrograde this afternoon. Nostalgia and romance are in the air! Letting ourselves fully feel the joy in life is healing as the new moon connects with Chiron tonight.
7/17/23 ✨ New Moon in Cancer
Our intuition is our guide under the New Moon in Cancer. With the moon in her home sign, we are invited to come back home to our own bodies and trust the messages we’re receiving from within. Like a mother with a newborn child, we are encouraged to be gentle with our new ideas and creations, slowly tending to them at a comfortable pace. Supportive aspects to Uranus and Neptune help us look to the future with trust and envision the possibilities.
6/17/23 ✨ New Moon in Gemini
Tonight’s New Moon in Gemini opens us to new possibilities! With the sun and moon meeting in the sign of communication, sharing our ideas with friends can help them blossom. Writing and speaking our intentions gives them extra power. This new moon squares Neptune, sparking our imagination and forcing us to see the magic all around us. A supportive connection between Mercury and Venus brings sweetness into our interactions throughout the day, making it easier to notice the beauty all around us and share what’s on our heart. Meanwhile, Saturn begins his annual retrograde today. Even amidst the business of Gemini Season, Saturn’s directional switch slows the pace, allowing us to pause and take it all in. Wisdom lies in moments of stillness.