9/30/23 ✨ Aries Full Moon
A fiery full moon in Aries ignites our passions! This marks the halfway point of the astrological year, showing us how much we’ve grown as individuals. Aries energy highlights the self, so give your SELF some credit for how much you’ve accomplished! But at the same time- check your ego. It could be a bit inflated under this full moon. Tapping into our desires can light the path to further step into our purpose- especially if we lean into Libra season and ask how our energy can benefit others too. This is also known as the Blood Moon, marking a time our ancestors used to hunt as the autumn leaves began to change. Under this powerful full moon, moving our body is our greatest asset for release. Let that inner fire BURN!
8/30/23 ✨ Pisces Super Full Moon
The biggest and brightest full moon of the year illuminates Pisces, opening us to magic. Our sensitivity is at an all-time high under this full moon- both emotionally and intuitively. Psychic downloads can come through and visits from spiritual guides are possible. The flood gates fly open for a cathartic release under this lunation. This full moon also marks a culmination point of the wisdom we've gained over the past six months. Using all the spiritual tools we've learned this year, this full moon asks us to heal and release anything no longer serving our ascension.
8/1/23 ✨ Aquarius Full Moon
The energy of this full moon is electric! The Aquarius Super Moon is supercharged by connections to Jupiter and Mars. We’re especially amped up under a trine between these power-packed planets- beware of blowing a circuit! Meanwhile, Mercury opposes Saturn, allowing us to see what’s being illuminated under the full moon more clearly. We want to make practical sense of the lessons we’re learning now, but there’s freedom in allowing ourselves to get lost in the magic that’s unfolding. Let the bright light of tonight’s super weird super moon inspire you to fly your own unique freak flag too!
7/31/23 ✨ Moon Conjunct Pluto
Change is in the air as we approach tomorrow’s full moon! The moon finishes her transit through Capricorn with a bang! First, a harmonious trine to Uranus allows us to open to upgrades and look to the future. This evening, the moon meets Pluto, marking a powerful moment of death and rebirth. Intense emotions and intuitive pings are likely. It’s all part of the emotional turning point we’re experiencing as the moon reaches peak illumination. To move forward, we must make peace with our past. When the moon moves into Aquarius tonight, we can embrace what makes us unique and use it as a guiding light for our evolution.
7/30/23 ✨ Lilith Square Uranus
Watch out! Our inner bitch could cause some major disruptions this weekend as Black Moon Lilith clashes with Uranus. Repressed desires could surface in a sassy (or hostile) manner. Notice what emotions are coming up and uncover the deeper truth.
7/3/23 ✨ Capricorn Full Moon
The Capricorn Full Moon illuminates our achievements, allowing us to appreciate how far we’ve come. It’s as if we’re summiting one climb, knowing the descent could be just as challenging. But just for a moment, we can enjoy the view and honor the wisdom we’ve gained along the way. An abundant trine to Jupiter makes this full moon especially fortunate. Opportunities that support our long-term goals could present themselves. The moon opposes Mercury on Moon Day morning, creating distance between our heart and our mind. Clarity is possible, but only if we can separate the intelligence of our mind and our body. Shifts that propel us into the future are possible tonight when the moon and Uranus connect, but a square to Chiron could bring up some pain along the way. Release stagnancy. Stay flexible and resilient.
6/3/23 ✨ Sagittarius Full Moon
The Sagittarius Full Moon marks the most abundant lunation of the year! Illuminating our sense of faith and optimism, this full moon is an opportunity to break free from the chains that bind us- even the ones we’ve created ourselves… Allowing ourselves to feel unbridled joy, even if just for a moment, can be a catalyst for expansion. Generous acts carry great power now too. Sharing our joy with others creates a ripple effect. Our freedom inspires others to be free too.
12/3/22 ✨ Neptune Stations Direct
Neptune’s 4-month retrograde comes to an end today and we can expect creativity and trust to flow through more easily. But as the planet of dreams switches direction, our sensitivities are heightened! And at the same time, Venus is squaring Neptune, creating confusion in relationships and finances. Clarity is hard to come by today, but in this foggy haze, we could find healing. The sun harmonizes with Chiron, shining light on our wounds and showing us how to tend to them.
10/16/22 ✨ Moon Sextile Uranus
The waning Cancer moon stays quiet for most of the day, inviting us to find a safe space to relax. We crave comfort and nurturing when the moon is in its home sign. As la luna comes into her peak release, we can release any pent up emotions too. Cleaning your home and clearing your physical space is favored. Late Sunday night, the moon connects with Uranus, marking a change in our mood. Stay open to new perspectives and observe feelings as they arise.
9/2/22 ✨ Mercury Opposite Jupiter
Big ideas and expansive conversations are on the agenda this Venus day as Mercury in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aries. This is a great day for brainstorming, but be careful not to overlook the fine print. Bounce your thoughts off a friend or partner- they could see something you might have missed. When the moon enters abundant Sagittarius tonight, we’ll be ready to partyyyyyy!
1/11/22 ✨ Mars Square Neptune
As Mars and Neptune square off to one another, we could feel confused about the direction we’re heading. The waxing moon in Taurus makes six different connections throughout the day and nearly all of them bring a potential for restlessness or negativity. Self-care, or rest can help ease the tension.