2/28/24 ✨ Sun and Mercury Conjunct Saturn
What lessons are you learning? What wisdom do you have the authority to share? These are the questions to ask as the Pisces sun meets Mercury and Saturn in a triple conjunction. This transit can bring crystal clarity, illuminating the challenges we’ve overcome and what we’ve learned in the process. We have the mental tenacity to “do hard things” today too. But fears and doubts could pop up in the process. If you find yourself becoming anxious or overwhelmed, slow down to Saturn’s pace- remember, there’s no rush. As the moon dives into Scorpio, it asks us to purge what no longer supports our evolution to make space for our next version to emerge.
7/16/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct Mercury
Our intuition is powerful this weekend as the sun and Mercury meet up in Cancer. Profound insights and realizations are possible, but we have to be willing to listen to the wisdom of our body as much as our mind. Gut instincts are strong now. The moon moves into Pisces, setting the stage for an emotional weekend. Our sensitivities are heightened.
4/2/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct Mercury
This Saturday could bring healing conversations or realizations as Chiron, Mercury, and the sun merge in fiery Aries. There’s still ample potential for old wounds to be opened or triggers to be activated. Writing, speaking, or simply thinking about the emotions surfacing could propel you forward along your healing journey.
12/11 + 12/12 ✨ Venus Conjunct Pluto
We have a jam-packed weekend in the solar system! Venus merges with Pluto, bringing a dose of intensity to love and relationships. Messenger Mercury gets support from Jupiter, helping us to make long-term plans and understand big concepts. By the end of the weekend, the Sun forms a harsh angle to Neptune, bringing down our energy and clouding our confidence.
12/4 + 12/5 ✨ Mercury Opposite Lilith
The energy of Friday night’s solar eclipse stays with us as the moon continues its transit through Sagittarius on Saturday. Watch your words… when Mercury opposes Lilith, our inner-bitch could enter the chat. When the waxing crescent moon moves into Capricorn on Sunday, we can get into preparation mode for the week ahead.
11/27 + 11/28 ✨ Sun Conjunct Mercury
This weekend might make it feel like you’re operating at two speeds: “go-go-go” and “I don’t know.” As the Sagittarius sun merges with busy Mercury, it can be easy to start filling up our calendar and making social plans for the holiday season. Meanwhile, the Virgo moon makes us feel like we want to get sh*t done and cross off our to-do list.