3/1/24 ✨ Sun Sextile Jupiter
Our light shines a little brighter under a supportive sextile between the Pisces Sun and Jupiter. Our life force is literally magnified. Meanwhile, Venus connects with Chiron and the North Node, bringing healing through odd interactions and fated encounters. The Scorpio moon takes us on a roller coaster ride from indulging in cravings this morning to experiencing surprises or disruptions this afternoon. This day could feel like multiple days packed into one- and by the end of it all, we’ll be able to drift off to sleep with ease.
7/01/23 ✨ Sun & Mercury Sextile Jupiter
July starts with a fresh spark! As the Sun and Mercury meet in Cancer, both planets form a supportive aspect to abundant Jupiter. This transit brings a positive outlook and fortunate ideas. Don’t be surprised if you hop out of bed with a pep in your step! The Sagittarius moon boosts the optimistic vibes, allowing us to see silver linings.
1/24/23 ✨ Sun Sextile Jupiter
It’s a good day for good vibes! The innovative Aquarius sun makes a supportive connection to Jupiter in Aries, illuminating possibilities and opportunities for connection. We can embrace expansion and easily see silver linings. Feeling friendly and abundant allows us to be more generous too. The Pisces moon keeps us attuned to our intuition and compassion.
5/23/22 ✨ Sun Sextile Jupiter
We step into good vibes on Monday as the Gemini sun gets support from Jupiter in Aries! Our attention is on the big picture and the potential of this next chapter and we’ll likely feel confident about the possibilities! Another sextile between Mercury Retrograde and Mars could make us prone to overthinking or questioning our next move though. Keep a wide focus now… no need to make any sudden moves.