5/21/23 ✨ Gemini Season Begins
Welcome to Gemini Season! We can step into the next phase of our evolution by simply opening our mind today. As the sun enters the sign of the twins, it makes uplifting connections to Pluto and Mars, illuminating our transformation and energizing our forward momentum. Curiosity can lead to new discoveries and adventures over the coming weeks. Follow what excites you!
9/18/22 ✨ Mercury Opposite Jupiter + Sun Trine Pluto
There’s an energy of nostalgia today as Mercury Retrograde and Jupiter Retrograde lock into an opposition. We can see the bigger picture of all that we’ve manifested so far- but it’s easy to ignore the details now. Grand ideas from the past could be resurrected. Our sense of faith comes from our ability to see how plans have already unfolded in our favor. We can express our power naturally as the Virgo sun and Pluto harmonize tonight, marking a moment of transformation and rebirth.
5/19/22 ✨ Sun Trine Pluto + Mercury Rx Sextile Jupiter
We can start to see our post-eclipse transformation more clearly now. The Taurus sun forms an earthy trine to Pluto, shining light on transformation. This is a moment of realizing our own power- a moment of rebirth. Mercury backs into a supportive aspect with Jupiter, expanding reflections and realizations.