3/30/23 ✨ Venus Conjunct Uranus
This Jupiter day might start a little slow or sleepy, but we have major transformation and change in the forecast this evening! Mars and Saturn harmonize this morning, helping us align with our responsibilities. We can lead with our intuition today, feeling our way forward. We experience a major energetic shift when the moon enters Leo and immediately opposes Pluto. The emotions we’re feeling about our current transformation take center stage. This shift is compounded by the power of the Venus/Uranus conjunction this evening, marking a change of appearance, a shift in values, a change of cash flow, or an upset (or upgrade) in relationships. Expect the unexpected!
6/11/22 ✨ Venus Conjunct Uranus
Big changes are possible this Saturday as Venus and Uranus meet in Taurus. This sets the stage for major shifts in relationships, finances, and values. This conjunction could bring an exciting (or surprising) turn of events might just link back to something that was set into motion during eclipse season. Current disruptions are clearing the path or lighting the way to bring us closer to love.