3/1/24 ✨ Sun Sextile Jupiter
Our light shines a little brighter under a supportive sextile between the Pisces Sun and Jupiter. Our life force is literally magnified. Meanwhile, Venus connects with Chiron and the North Node, bringing healing through odd interactions and fated encounters. The Scorpio moon takes us on a roller coaster ride from indulging in cravings this morning to experiencing surprises or disruptions this afternoon. This day could feel like multiple days packed into one- and by the end of it all, we’ll be able to drift off to sleep with ease.
5/10/23 ✨ Venus Sextile North Node
Lean into love. We’re still processing the shifts from eclipse season and a innovative conjunction between the sun and Uranus. Change is the name of the game. And while this can be an uncomfortable process, the Universe is asking us to root into the love we have for ourselves and the people in our life. As Venus connects with the Nodes of Fate today, destined moments in relationships and finances are possible.
8/2/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Mars, Uranus + North Node
We add a little love to the chaotic conjunction between Mars, Uranus and the North Node. As Venus forms a supportive angle to the headline transit of the week, we could experience unexpected upgrades in love and money. A new relationship could spark or a current relationship could enter a new chapter. New financial opportunities could present themselves as well. Trying new things will feel exciting.
4/26/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Tuesday brings good vibes and an optimistic outlook! Mercury and Jupiter support one another, asking us to think happy thoughts and see silver linings. There’s great potential for grand visions of the future today! Allow yourself to get carried away in all the dreamy possibilities, but wait to act on them until the moon moves out of Pisces- our capacity for discernment is compromised now.