3/28/24 ✨ Venus Sextile Uranus
Open to new expressions of love today. As Venus connects with Uranus, we’re invited to change our perspective on what pleasure and beauty can feel like. Seeking out different experiences and sharing our affection in unconventional ways can lead to breakthroughs in relationships. Getting innovative with our finances can be beneficial too! The Scorpio moon opposes Jupiter and Uranus, cracking us open to share emotions in new ways. But overextending ourselves could lead to a whiplash effect. Mood swings and outburst are possible this evening if we feel like we’ve lost control. We end the day under a harmonious trine between the waning moon and Venus, allowing love to flow freely. Relax your grip and allow beauty to wash over you.
5/26/23 ✨ Venus Sextile Uranus
Change is in the air today and our relationships and finances are most likely affected. As Venus in Cancer connects with disruptor Uranus, we could feel a shift in our sense of security. What does safety actually mean to you? Getting clear on what we want can open us to divine encounters from the Universe to help us receive it. We spend most of this Venus Day under a void moon, inviting closure and reflection. This is not the day to start anything new. When the First Quarter Moon moves into Virgo tonight, we can expect to feel productive and motivated to tackle our to-do list this evening.
2/7/23 ✨ Venus Sextile Uranus
Try a different approach today. As Venus comes into a supportive connection with Uranus, we are attracted to different experiences and people. Tapping into our creativity to lead to unexpected realizations. Financial upgrades are possible too! The waning Virgo moon comes into a tense square with Mars this evening, making even the smallest irritations feel like full-blown aggravations. Being overly needy or indulgent might disrupt the plan for the night, but releasing control can lead to open us to surprising happenings.
8/2/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Mars, Uranus + North Node
We add a little love to the chaotic conjunction between Mars, Uranus and the North Node. As Venus forms a supportive angle to the headline transit of the week, we could experience unexpected upgrades in love and money. A new relationship could spark or a current relationship could enter a new chapter. New financial opportunities could present themselves as well. Trying new things will feel exciting.
4/18/22 ✨ Sun Square Pluto
Monday could mark a turning point in your transformation as the Aries sun squares off to Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect shines a light on our shadows, which could be painful or bring up intense emotions. Meanwhile, Venus and Uranus form a supportive sextile, attracting exciting connections and asking us to find new ways to express our love. We could be drawn to eccentric people or experiences today.