Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/19/24 ✨ Mercury Trine Jupiter & Venus Square Neptune

Inspired ideas and an optimistic outlook define this Venus Day. Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter, bringing an abundance of brain power! At the same time, Venus and Neptune come into a 90º square, forcing us to see the world through rose-colored glasses. It’s easy to be overly optimistic today. But remember- we’re easily confused too. Following spontaneous desires now could lead to cleaning up big messes later. The moon and Uranus meet in Taurus, setting the stage for surprises! Start a revolution, not a riot.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/4/23 ✨ Venus Square Neptune and Sextile Jupiter

We settle into a rosy fog this Thursday as lover Venus connects with Neptune and Jupiter. Love is amplified, making it easy to feel optimistic. But confusion and illusion are in the forecast as well. This is not the day to make big decisions about relationships or finances. Instead, use these energies to dream about what is possible. The moon dives into Scorpio this morning, clashing with Pluto at 0º. Intense emotions and past patterning are likely to surface today. Beware of trying to control or manipulate. Instead, explore shadows and excavate what’s been hidden. Total clarity isn’t likely, but we could begin to understand what lessons the Universe has been trying to teach us.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/3/22 ✨ Neptune Stations Direct

Neptune’s 4-month retrograde comes to an end today and we can expect creativity and trust to flow through more easily. But as the planet of dreams switches direction, our sensitivities are heightened! And at the same time, Venus is squaring Neptune, creating confusion in relationships and finances. Clarity is hard to come by today, but in this foggy haze, we could find healing. The sun harmonizes with Chiron, shining light on our wounds and showing us how to tend to them.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/13/22 ✨ Super Moon in Capricorn

The Super Moon in Capricorn marks a powerful moment… and not just because this full moon appears so large in the night sky. We start the day with an opposition between the full moon and Mercury and a simultaneous trine to Uranus. If we’re willing to lean outside of our comfort zone, breakthroughs are possible. The pinnacle moment of this powerful lunation is a conjunction to Pluto late tonight, marking a moment of transformation. Celebrate your achievements as one chapter closes for another to begin.

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