3/3/24 ✨ Venus Square Uranus
Expect the unexpected this Sunday. As Venus squares Uranus, surprises and abrupt changes in relationships and finances are in the forecast. We could feel a spontaneous urge to redecorate or change our appearance too. Rash decisions in the moment could lead to regret down the road. The same goes for our speech- Mercury opposes Lilith, giving our words more power. This transit can give us the confidence to speak our mind, but how we share our thoughts could come across as critical or harsh. The Sagittarius moon continues her release. Now is the time to trust that what’s falling away is no longer meant for us- but be especially mindful how you say goodbye! There’s always an opportunity to let go with love.
9/30/23 ✨ Aries Full Moon
A fiery full moon in Aries ignites our passions! This marks the halfway point of the astrological year, showing us how much we’ve grown as individuals. Aries energy highlights the self, so give your SELF some credit for how much you’ve accomplished! But at the same time- check your ego. It could be a bit inflated under this full moon. Tapping into our desires can light the path to further step into our purpose- especially if we lean into Libra season and ask how our energy can benefit others too. This is also known as the Blood Moon, marking a time our ancestors used to hunt as the autumn leaves began to change. Under this powerful full moon, moving our body is our greatest asset for release. Let that inner fire BURN!
7/02/23 ✨ Venus Square Uranus
Sunday marks a shift in love and money as Venus squares Uranus. When the planet of beauty clashes with the planet of rebellion, disruptive moments could erupt in our closest relationships. We might also feel an overwhelming urge to upgrade our relationship status or make a dramatic change to our appearance. Beware of impulsive desires! The Sagittarius moon adds to simultaneous excitement and confusion this morning. But when the moon becomes full in Capricorn, it’s easier to slow down, return to our senses, and honor the success we’ve already achieved. Slow and steady wins the race…
1/14/23 ✨ Venus Square Uranus
Breakthroughs and changes are possible today as Venus comes into a 90º angle to Uranus. When the planet of love, money, and beauty clashes with the planet of disruption, anything is possible. We crave excitement in relationships, which could lead to spontaneous moments and surprising turns of events. The last quarter moon in Libra asks us to let go of the need to know what’s coming next and, instead, focus on finding peace in the release.
8/26/22 ✨ Sun Square Mars
The tension builds as we prepare for the Virgo New Moon. This Friday is mostly quiet… until evening falls. We spend the day under a void moon in Leo, inviting us to tie up loose ends and finish open projects to close out this cycle feeling accomplished. Wait to start anything new until the weekend- or even next week. The dark moon enters Virgo as the week comes to a close, asking us to take a moment to get crystal clear on the intentions we want to set under the new moon tomorrow. What do you want to accomplish in the cycle ahead?
3/19/22 ✨ Venus Square Uranus
Saturday could bring tension within relationships as Venus squares off to Uranus. This could look like an urge for excitement… but if not channeled in a healthy way, it could cause outbursts or anger. The Libra moon is on our side though, helping us find balance and lean into love.