2/18/22 ✨ Pisces Season Begins

✨ Happy Venus Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I trust a plan beyond my understanding.


☀️SUN ➡️ PISCES ♓️ (8:45 AM PT)

'Who’s ready for healing and closure? The next four weeks bring all the feels as our sensitivities are heightened under the Pisces sun. During this final month of the astrological year, we’re asked to lean into the power of belief and imagination. Our intuition may be heightened and our perception expands beyond our five senses. This can be a time where our spiritual understanding and trust in a higher power is heightened.

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The moon makes its final connections in Virgo. This can make us feel productive, checking off our to-do list as we head into the weekend. Just try not to get too caught up in your analytical mind or overcommit to too many tasks.


We start our Venus day under a confusing oppositions between the practical Virgo moon and imaginative Neptune in Pisces. This could feel like a see-saw between fantasy and reality. If you’re feeling disillusioned or having a hard time focusing on the task at hand, creativity can be an asset. Find a way to make the day artistic.


A grand trine between the moon, Pluto, and the North Node helps us alchemize our emotions and into a deeper understanding. With the moon in analytical Virgo, we can dive deep into our own psyche and get grounded into our purpose.

MOON IS VOID UNTIL 8:00 PM - Take the afternoon off or tie up loose ends before your weekend.

🌖MOON ➡️LIBRA ♎️ (8:00 PM PT)

The moon moves into balanced Libra for the weekend, helping us regain our equilibrium after the drama of the full moon. We’ll enjoy spending time with loved ones over the coming days, especially among the backdrop of the Mars-Venus conjunction. We’ll be able to appreciate the beauty of life.


The moon makes an uncomfortable connection to the sun on our Friday night. This will feel like an energetic adjustment period as the sun sets on the first day of Pisces season and the moon shifts into a new energy.


Welcome to Pisces Season! As the sun enters the last sign of the zodiac, we can shift our focus to healing. Our belief, imagination, and creativity are our greatest assets over the next month. The Virgo moon opposes Neptune, creating confusion and heightening sensitivity to start the day; but by Friday afternoon, the moon forms a grand trine with Pluto and the North Node, clearly showing us what is falling away in order to keep us on the path toward our highest purpose. The moon shifts into Libra on Friday night, helping us find beauty and balance through the weekend.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


2/19/22 ✨ Moon Trine Mercury


2/17/22 ✨ Jupiter Sextile Uranus