10/9/22 ✨ Full Moon in Aries

✨ Happy SUN Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I know who I am and what I came here to do.

scroll to the bottom of the page for your full moon horoscope!


🌕 FULL MOON IN ARIES ♈️ (16º) 1:54 PM PT

A fiery full moon in Aries ignites our passions! This marks the halfway point of the astrological year, showing us how much we’ve grown as individuals. Aries energy highlights the self, so give your SELF some credit for how much you’ve accomplished this year. But at the same time- check your ego. It could be a bit inflated under this full moon. Tapping into our desires can light the path to further step into our purpose- especially if we lean into all the Libra energy and ask how our energy can benefit others too. This is also known as the Blood Moon, marking a time our ancestors used to hunt as fall leaves began to change. Under this powerful full moon, moving our body is our greatest asset for release. Light that inner fire!

🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑


♈️ MOON OPPOSITE ♎️ VENUS (12º) 6:00 AM PT

We wake up under an opposition between the moon and Venus, amplifying our needs. We crave physical love under this aspect, making us quick to reach for affection. We might also turn to food or shopping to fulfill our need for pleasure. Remember- everyone’s emotions are more heightened under a full moon. Slow down and be intentional about the actions you’re taking.

♈️ MOON CONJUNCT ♈️ CHIRON rx (14º) 10:00 AM PT

This full moon makes a powerful conjunction to Chiron, highlighting our healing. It’s easy to get triggered under this full moon, so give yourself (and others) grace. If aggression arises, ask what wounds it’s revealing. What actions can you take under this full moon to propel your healing? What are you ready to release?

♈️ MOON SEXTILE ♒️ SATURN rx (18º) 5:00 PM PT

The weekend winds down with a sextile between the moon and Saturn, helping us ground into our duties and responsibilities. This aspect can help us lean into patience, but it can also bring up worry. If you find yourself tripping about the past (or future,) come back to the present moment.

♈️ MOON SQUARE ♋️ LILITH (19º) 7:00 PM PT

The moon squares Lilith, bringing out our inner-bitch. If our body is depleted, we’re bound to be a little cranky. If you find yourself getting agitated or even angry, observe the root of the emotion. How can you stand up for yourself without tearing down others? How can you honor your body in the process?


Sunday ends with an overnight sextile between the moon and Mars. Don’t be surprised if you have a hard time winding down- this transit could bring another wave of energy. Use this aspect to your benefit by tapping into your motivation for the week ahead.




Happy Full Moon, cuties! The moon becomes full in Aries this afternoon, igniting our inner spark and illuminating our passions. This is the perfect full moon to remember who you came here to be and find healing in the process. We wake up under an opposition between the moon and Venus, making us feel needy and crave affection. The desire we feel can signal where we can give ourselves more love. But a powerful conjunction between this full moon and Chiron brings a potent opportunity for healing. Triggers or pain points today can be the catalyst for big realizations. This evening, we can tap into our responsibility and determination when the moon makes connections with Saturn and Lilith. Lean into patience and notice where you might be giving your power away. It’s possible to get a late-night surge of energy as the moon connects with Mars to end the weekend.

*Ritual tip: Work with the element of fire around this full moon. Light a candle and ignite your own passions by moving your body and celebrating your self and your purpose.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the full moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♈️ ARIES: Who are you? Use the light of this full moon in your sign to get clear on your purpose. Stepping fully into your power can be healing.

♓️ PISCES: This full moon illuminates what’s truly important to you. By aligning with your true values, abundance will flow to you with ease. Money wounds can be healed now.

♒️ AQUARIUS: Sparking a conversation can help you get clearer about your purpose. There’s healing in putting yourself out there and sharing your thoughts.

♑️ CAPRICORN: This full moon brings a powerful opportunity to heal your inner-child. How can you find more safety to express yourself authentically? Generational patterns could be broken in the process.

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: Lean into your natural ability to have fun this full moon, but also create space for all of you to be expressed. Are you masking your true emotions in social environments? Take time to nurture your inner-child.

♏️ SCORPIO: Your habits and patterns are illuminated under this full moon. There’s healing to be found in your daily regimen. Are your small, daily actions supporting your deeper purpose?

♎️ LIBRA: How are you relating to others? Do your relationships allow you to be truly authentic? This full moon can show you how much you’re giving vs. how much you’re receiving. Imbalances can show what needs healing.

♍️ VIRGO: What are you hiding from the world? With the full moon illuminating your shadows, you can find the confidence to let even the messiest and darkest parts of yourself be seen. There’s power in authenticity.

♌️ LEO: Expansive opportunities are on the horizon! This full moon can show you where you’re holding yourself back from growth. Taking the leap can be the catalyst for healing.

♋️ CANCER: Motivation and ambition come easily under this full moon. What’s holding you back from reaching for your big goals? Believe in your ability to achieve whatever you set your mind to and speak it confidently to the Universe.

♊️ GEMINI: Spend time with friends under the light of the full moon. Notice who you feel like your most authentic self around. Are there parts of yourself you’re not fully expressing? Healing can be found in showing friends who you really are.

♉️ TAURUS: This full moon brings a powerful moment for healing. You might be feeling more emotional or sensitive. This is the time to release who you no longer are so you can create space for who you’re meant to be.

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