2/16/24 ✨ Venus Enters Aquarius
Change your mind, change your life! As Venus moves into Aquarius, we desire new experiences and offbeat interactions. A square between Mercury and Uranus disrupts our normal mindset, forcing us to change the way we think and communicate. Innovative ideas can come through today, but they could feel intrusive or disruptive in the moment. The First Quarter Moon moves into Gemini, making us crave stimulation. Harmonious connections to Venus, Mars, and Pluto make it feel natural to go after our desires, put ideas into motion, and embrace transformation.
7/23/23 ✨ Chiron Stations Retrograde
Leo Season doesn’t miss a beat on bringing the drama! Just hours after Venus stations retrograde, Chiron begins its own annual backspin. Over the coming months, we’re invited to reflect on our healing journey and review old wounding, but look out for emotional triggers as the Wounded Healer switches directions today! Mercury in Leo adds fuel to the fire as she meets up with Lilith and squares Uranus. If we give our ego too much of a voice, disruptive or even hostile conversations are possible. Bold words can border on overpowering or controlling.
2/21/23 ✨ Mercury Square Uranus
Brain fog and mental mishaps are possible today as Mercury squares Uranus. Changes of plans and miscalculations are in the forecast… And to make matters even murkier, the Pisces new moon swims across Neptune, clouding our judgement. We’ll be especially sensitive and intuitive. This cosmic combination is the perfect recipe for a change of mind, but sometimes, a breakthrough is disguised as a breakdown… Take plenty of time and space to process.
7/28/22 ✨ New Moon in Leo + Jupiter Stations Retrograde
The New Moon in Leo asks us to tap into the love in our heart and set intentions that will bring more joy and passion into our lives. This new moon is supercharged by a trine to Jupiter, amplifying the energy and giving us the confidence to boldly declare our desires. But Jupiter also stations retrograde this afternoon. While the planet of abundance is switching directions, it appears still in our sky today, giving us an auspicious moment to slow down and appreciate how much we’ve grown this year.
3/7/22 ✨ Mercury Square Nodes
Monday’s energy could feel like we have one foot firmly planted in our comfort zone and the other ready to explore new territory. The morning begins with a T-Square between messenger Mercury and the North and South Nodes. This could be a great day to try a new way of thinking and speaking- doing so can bring us closer to our purpose.
3/6/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Lilith
Messenger Mercury harmonizes with Lilith, encouraging us to express our undeniable and carnal truth. The moon enters earthy Taurus and immediately squares off to Venus and Mars, giving us an intense need to fulfill our desires. Being overly needy or aggressive could cause conflict today.
2/24/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Neptune + Mercury Square Uranus
It’ll be easy to feel the love this Thursday as Venus and Neptune lock into a supportive angle. The Sagittarius moon makes us feel more generous and optimistic, but confusion or mishaps are definitely possible today. Messenger Mercury squares off to rebellious Uranus, giving us the urge to make waves or force change.
1/12/22 ✨ Mercury Square Uranus begins
Mercury Day lives up to its name as the planet of communication comes into a square with Uranus. Expect unexpected conversations or a change of perspective. The waxing moon moves into Gemini on Wednesday night. We’ll feel more social and curious through the end of the week.