1/12/22 ✨ Mercury Square Uranus begins

✨ Happy Mercury Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I am open to new perspectives.


♒️MERCURY SQUARE ♉️URANUS (within 1º until Jan 16)

Mercury and Uranus come within 90º of each other for the next four days, bringing a change of pace. Expect rapid and stimulating thoughts. With Mercury in progressive Aquarius, we could have a change of mind or change of perspective before the end of the week. You could have a breakthrough or surprise information come to light, but it could be hard to discern in the midst of all the mental chatter. This connection can push us to innovate. Keep track of any realizations that stand out— but it’s probably best not to act on them just yet.

With the planet of communication and the planet of rebellion dancing in a square, we could also have tense conversations surrounding change, technology, and rebellion. (ahem… Omicron anyone?)

🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑



The moon makes its final transit through Taurus, reminding us to get grounded in our body before taking action. This moon phase gives us the determination to keep pushing towards our goals.


We’ll wake up with an air of confidence as the moon pulls away from a harmonious connection to the Capricorn sun. This can help us feel more comfortable in our skin and more grounded in our emotions.


Hello passion! The moon harmonizes with Pluto, intensifying our emotions (or obsessions.) We can easily go deep with other people and be emotionally vulnerable as we don’t take things lightly. This transit can also enhance sexual chemistry.


The moon meets up with the North Node in Taurus before leaving the sign of the bull, giving us a glimpse of our purpose or a ping of direction. We’ll be more aware of the lessons we’re learning and the path forward.

🌔MOON ➡️ GEMINI ♊️ (7:00 PM PT)

The moon enters Gemini on Wednesday night, getting us in the mood to be more social and learn new information. Expect a focus on communication and verbal processing over the next few days.


Mercury Day lives up to its name as the planet of communication comes into a square with Uranus. Expect unexpected conversations or a change of perspective. The Taurus moon makes several fortunate connections to the sun and Pluto, helping us show up confidently and connect with other people. A conjunction of the moon and the North Node gives us a glimpse of our purpose. The waxing moon moves into Gemini on Wednesday night. We’ll feel more social and curious through the end of the week.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


1/13/22 ✨ Gemini Moon Trine Mercury + Saturn


1/11/22 ✨ Mars Square Neptune