3/21/22 ✨ Mars Sextile Chiron

✨ Happy Moon Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I direct my energy with intention.


♒️ MARS SEXTILE ♈️ CHIRON (11º) 2:00 PM PT

We begin our week with support between Mars and Chiron. With Aries now underway, the sun is approaching. a conjunction to Chiron over the next week and a half. Pay attention to what your inner-child wants to do. We can act from a place of healing under this supportive angle, but only if we’re willing to hold space for the part of us that was hurt.

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The Scorpio moon adds a level of intensity to the beginning of Aries season. Not only will we feel a boost of energy with the sun in a new sign, but we can tap into the depths of our own personal power with the moon in Scorpio. But remember… too much power isn’t necessarily a good thing. Avoid manipulation or control tactics.

♏️ MOON SQUARE ♒️ MARS (11º) 4:00 AM PT

As the Scorpio moon squares off to Mars in Aquarius, we could start our week with a burst of energy! This aspect can make us feel more impulsive and reactive. Watch that scorpion tail… no one wants to get stung today!


When the moon opposes Uranus, we can feel a strong need for excitement. We could find ourselves causing a disruption in a subconscious effort to create our own thrill. Avoid sudden moves. Wait to make any major decisions until more positive connections later in the day.

♏️ MOON SQUARE ♒️ VENUS (14º) 9:00 AM PT

The compulsive energy continues as the Scorpio moon squares off to Venus, making us feel especially needy. We might be more manipulative or controlling in order to get affection. Remember, you’re capable of giving yourself what you need.

♏️ MOON TRINE ♓️ JUPITER (18º) 4:00 PM PT

The energy takes a very positive turn as the moon connects with Jupiter in a watery trine. This brings abundance and optimism! We are able to tap into our own power. We can lean into the positive qualities of the Scorpio moon, creating deeper connection through generosity and sharing our truth.

♏️ MOON TRINE ♓️ MERCURY (20º) 7:00 PM PT

The moon makes another fortunate, flowing angle to Mercury on Monday night, allowing communication to flow! With Mercury in Pisces, we’re able to be more empathetic and compassionate in our communication. This transit could also bring intuitive downloads.

♏️ MOON SQUARE ♒️ SATURN (21º) 9:00 PM PT

We end this Moon Day with a challenging connection between the moon and Saturn, putting a damper on our mood. This can bring fears to the forefront and make it difficult not to worry or be sad. The best way to use this energy, quite honestly, would be to slow down and give your body rest. An early bedtime could be in order.




Today begins with a bang as the Scorpio moon clashes with Mars and Venus and opposes Uranus. This could make us feel more compulsive and controlling. Don’t make any sudden moves… The middle of this Moon Day brings a supportive connection between Mars and Chiron, allowing us to act from a place of healing. And with a fortunate harmony between the moon, Jupiter, and Mercury in the background, we can gain a deeper understanding by seeing through a more positive lens. Saturn pumps the breaks as it clashes with the moon to end the day, making us feel worried or tired. Give your mind and body plenty of rest if you’ve had an active day.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


3/22/22 ✨ Mars Square Uranus


3/20/22 ✨ Aries Season + the New Astrological Year!